
Agenda 4th July 2024

Agendas April 2024 to March 2025 Uploaded on June 27, 2024

Council Agenda July 24



Date:               Thursday 4th July 2024 
Time:               7.30 pm
Venue:            Turton Pavilion, Jacob’s Way, Pickmere, WA16 0JP

Members of the Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out in the agenda.

Signed: A Riley – Clerk to the Council



  1. To receive apologies for absence


  1. Procedural matters


2.1      To approve and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2024.

2.2      Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2024.

2.3      Update on action list from the Chair.


  1. Declaration of Interests    To provide an opportunity for members to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest in relation to any item on the Agenda.


  1. Public forum        
    Members of the public may normally ask a question or make a comment regarding any item that is on the meeting agenda. (A total of 3 minutes is normally allocated for each member of the public wishing to speak, limited to 15 minutes in all. The decision on the time allocated to each topic rests with the meeting chairperson. Advice as to other means of raising matters with the Parish Council or commenting can be found on the Council’s website.)


  1. Report from CE Cllr K Parkinson re Cheshire East Council matters






  1. Finance


6.1      To note current financial position (see monthly summary appendix 1).

            To note the monthly summary to 25th June2024.


Brought forward 31.5.24     £             69,633.25

            Income                                     £                  950.70

            Expenditure                             £                  643.85

            Carry forward 25.6.24          £             69,940.10


            Current Account                    £             19,940.10

            Instant Access                        £             50,000.00

            Balance                                     £             69,940.10


6.2      Payments in between meetings to be noted:
Cheshire Roofing                    £4680.00             payment for scaffolding and materials
Anonymous                              £505.20               return of donation


  1. To receive reports from committees and working groups

7.1      Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
To receive a verbal update from Cllr A Knights.

7.2      Lake and IROS Working Group
To receive a written report outlining the area around the erosion zone that will require stronger protection to be installed to allow the ground to repair.

7.3      Village Hall Refurbishment Working Group

  1. Planning matters

8.1      To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters (please click on application number to access details online)


            24/2042M Land North of Park Lane, Pickmere

                        Prior notification for proposed produce and machinery store.


24/2279 Barnsfield, Hall Lane, Pickmere, WA16 0JQ



  1. Reports from Clerk and from Councillors


9.1      IROS/Lake – Clerk
To discuss the erosion zone and measures required to move forwards. To set a budget for the installation of stronger protection around the area when it is backfilled. To consider planting 50 containers of native plants that will deter people from walking through the area at a cost of £250.00.
To agree to hang the remaining donated gate at a cost of £220.00.





9.2      Councillor Surgery – Cllr E Campbell

To consider holding a Councillor Surgery on the last Tuesday of each month at the Pavilion.

9.3      Pickmere Press – Clerk
To consider using Pickmere Press as a publication to highlight the work of the Parish.

Council and to raise village issues. To discuss taking a page in each edition of Pickmere Press from August 2024 to March 2025. Four editions at a cost of £50.00 a page. Total cost £200.00.

9.4      To consider using MailChimp – Cllr N Greenwood
To discuss setting up a mailing system using MailChimp. See Appendix 4.

9.5      Volunteer Gardening Group – Cllr A Knights

To look at setting up a volunteer gardening group to undertake small jobs such as weeding, planting and rubbish removal around the village. All jobs to be agreed with the Clerk and Chair in advance.


9.6      To consider purchasing traffic cones – Clerk
A donation of £300.00 has been received from residents to be used to purchase cones for traffic management. To agree to purchase items from the list shown in appendix 2.

9.7      To discuss installing broadband in the Pavilion – Cllr L Marshall
To consider installing broadband in the Pavilion to allow the building to be used by more groups and therefore increase the income for the Parish Council. To also allow the room to be used as an additional meeting room for the Parish Council, Committees and Working Groups.

            BT quote (as of 27 June 24) £20.00 installation and £30.00 a month charges.


9.8      To receive a request from a resident to lease part of the Parish Council’s land – Clerk
To consider the request – appendix 3.


9.9      To receive an update on the bookings at the Village Hall – Cllr L Marshall
To receive a verbal update on the current situation.

  1. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 1st August 2024 at 7:45pm.


  1. To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) by reason of the confidential nature of the items of business to be transacted if required.


  1. Staffing Update – Cllr E Campbell
    To receive an update on staffing issues.


  1. Tree Survey – Clerk
    To receive quotes for the tree works that have been identified in the survey.






Appendix 1






Appendix 2






Appendix 3


Via Email


Further to my conversation…. I am following up via email to state my interest and intentions in relation to the subject of the email.


As a resident of Pickmere and owner occupier of …..I have been increasingly frustrated with the small patch of land opposite our house. The reason for the frustration is simply the aesthetics, it is vastly overgrown and unmaintained as well as being a dumping ground for some residents/passersby. It is also disappointing when visitors to my home comment on the state of it.


As we are the only property facing this land and having a small garden the intention really is to have some extra outdoor space as I’ve been hoping to start to grow some vegetables and plant some wild flowers and have something more pleasant to look out at.


…..suggested an option to lease the land and I’m very interested to pursue this further.








Appendix 4


Proposal for Setting Up an E-mailing List for Pickmere Parish Council Using MailChimp – Cllr N Greenwood


Benefits of an E-mailing List


  1. Improved Communication:

– Timely dissemination of information regarding council meetings, events, and local news.

– Ensures all residents have access to important updates and decisions affecting the community.


  1. Increased Engagement:

– Encourages residents to participate in local events and council activities.

– Provides a platform for receiving feedback and suggestions from the community.


  1. Cost-Effective:

– Reduces the need for printed materials, saving on printing and distribution costs.

– Utilizes a free service (MailChimp) for efficient communication without additional expenses.


  1. Environmentally Friendly:

– Minimizes paper usage, contributing to environmental conservation efforts.


  1. Convenience:

– Residents can access information directly from their email, ensuring they do not miss important updates.

– Subscription is easy and can be done through multiple channels.


GDPR Compliance

MailChimp is fully GDPR compliant, ensuring that the personal data of residents is protected. The platform provides the following GDPR features:

– Consent: Residents will opt-in to receive emails, ensuring that they provide explicit consent to receive communications.

– Data Protection: MailChimp uses industry-standard security measures to protect data.

– Right to Access and Erasure: Residents can access their data and request its deletion at any time.

– Transparent Privacy Practices: MailChimp provides clear information about data processing and privacy practices.


Subscription Methods

Residents can easily subscribe to the e-mailing list through the following methods:

  1. Website:

– A subscription form will be available on the Pickmere Parish Council website, allowing residents to sign up by providing their email addresses.

  1. Facebook Page:

– The subscription form will also be integrated into the Pickmere Parish Council Facebook page, making it convenient for social media users to join the e-mailing list.

  1. QR Codes on Noticeboards:

– QR codes will be placed on Pickmere Parish Council noticeboards around the community.

– Residents can scan the QR code with their smartphones, which will direct them to the subscription form.


Implementation Plan

  1. Setting Up MailChimp Account:

– Create a free MailChimp account for Pickmere Parish Council.

– Customize the account settings to reflect the council’s branding and communication preferences.

  1. Designing the Subscription Form:

– Create a user-friendly subscription form with clear instructions and a GDPR consent checkbox.

– Embed the form on the council’s website and Facebook page.

  1. Generating QR Codes:

– Generate QR codes linked to the subscription form.

– Print and place the QR codes on noticeboards around Pickmere.

  1. Promoting the E-mailing List:

– Announce the new e-mailing list on the council’s website, Facebook page, and local community groups.

– Encourage residents to subscribe through various channels.

  1. Maintaining the E-mailing List:

– Regularly update the e-mailing list to ensure accuracy.

– Send periodic emails with relevant information and updates to keep residents informed and engaged.



Setting up an e-mailing list using MailChimp for Pickmere Parish Council offers numerous benefits, including improved communication, increased engagement, and cost savings. With GDPR compliance ensured, residents’ data will be protected, providing peace of mind and fostering trust. By offering multiple subscription methods, we can maximize reach and ensure that all residents have the opportunity to stay informed about council activities.


I recommend proceeding with this proposal to enhance communication and community engagement in Pickmere.