1st August 2023
1.1 A Maintenance Schedule is currently being prepared detailing all Parish Council assets and areas which require immediate attention. Access to the Pavilion has been made but a further key is required to enter the kitchen to record items therein. On completion the schedule will be shared with all councillors for alteration and/or input as necessary.
1.2 An informal investigation into a complaint from resident in Wayfarers Court in regard to an overhanging tree was undertaken. The tree, on council land at the top of Clover Drive, has a Tree Protection Order (TPO) and appeared to be in need of pruning. The next tree survey is scheduled for 2024.
1.3 Damaged fencing in the Play Area was reported by a resident as unsafe. The damaged area was allowing children to trespass and damage private property. The fence has temporarily been repaired, as an urgent safety measure, but needs to be included in the maintenance plan for a permanent repair.
1.4 Weekly inspections of the children’s play area have historically been carried out by Cllr Read, with a formal annual inspection being carried out by a specialist company. Continuing weekly inspections are required and it is recommended that a proforma checklist is prepared to record inspection results.
1.5 The Village Hall crush barrier/handrail was reported as in need of repair as part of the Risk Assessment by the Warm Welcome group. A quotation has been requested.
1.6 The hedges, trees, weeds and undergrowth at the rear of the Hall require removing. A quotation of £150 has been received from a local gardener.
1.7 A resident has raised, at the last PPC surgery, an issue at the IROS involving human waste. It was suggested that the overgrown undergrowth on the IROS land behind the Jacobs Way properties should be cut back [It is pointed out that Council has previously approved a maintenance regime for this land]. Quotes have been obtained from Jeremy Lawton, Arbtech and Green-tech. At least one company approached believed that permission would need to be sought before any work could take place. It should be noted that the houses on Jacob’s Way which back on to this land have no rights of access to it.
2.1 As an urgent safety measure if the quote to repair the handrail outside the Village Hall is below £1000 then power be delegated to any two members of the Committee to instruct such work. Alternatively, if the likely cost exceeds £1000, further quotations are to be obtained and brought for council consideration.
2.2 In conjunction with a future survey of the Council’s trees, and subject to receipt of any required consent under the provisions of the Tree Preservation Order which covers these trees, quotations should be obtained for any appropriate pruning of council trees at the top of Clover Drive which are over-hanging adjacent land.
2.3 The possibility of engaging a company to carry out maintenance work on the council’s assets for a set number of hours per year should be investigated.
2.4 A checklist should be developed for the regular check of the Clover Drive Play area. This checklist is to be completed weekly and retained to demonstrate that the Parish Council has performed the required checks.
2.5 The local gardener referred to should be engaged to remove hedges, trees, weeds and undergrowth at the rear of the Hall.
2.6 That further consideration be given to the maintenance of the land between the Jacob’s Way houses and the lake – in particular the proposed function of the land and the nature of maintenance to best permit such function.