
14 December 2021 8.2 Minutes from Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting 7th December 2021

December 2021 Uploaded on December 9, 2021

Minutes from Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting 7th December
Attendees:- SF, CT, WR, GE, SW, SR, AB
Apologies: LMcG
1. Matters arising
a. AB still to contact Lucy Hughes ref meeting in February
b. AB and CT were trained in how to post on PC website NP section
but may need a refresher
c. Thanks were expressed to Dave Bradburn of Opus Creative on
preparing merchandising within time frame.
2. Feedback from launch on 5th December at Driveway Market.
Thanks to CT and SW for setting up and with GE for managing the stand
Between 30-40 persons visited the stand and more were given details via
the stand operated by WR.
Many still didn’t understand what an NP is.
Lots of comments on HS2 which is and isn’t relevant to a NP
Good to see new people in the village.
Some negative comments about the parking in the village during the
summer months
Generally lots of enthusiasm and broad support
Some concern that the plan has already been written “behind their backs”
It was noted that further events, face to face and other forms of feedback
will be needed to get the message across.
One comment about the lack of development on the playground will be
addressed by SR.
Comments from SG members included “positive feedback“, “good idea”,
“some residents didn’t want to engage”, “people still unsure perhaps”,
“lack of knowledge will disappear”, “flyer out with PP will help”, “hope the
questionnaire will give different feedback’.
SF offered to write a simple myth busting piece.
It was agreed to store merchandise in the IROS.
3. Finance report
GE reported on “live finance” with the latest addition of the invoice from
Opus Creative.
GE will contact Dave Bradburn at opus Creative for VAT split on invoice.
GE will contact Jack Steel for copy invoice when it arrives.
4. Next steps
a. Leaflet goes out in PP to all households and businesses
b. It was agreed to start a list of stakeholders we need to consult
(some with no expectation of response) – no person assigned
c. It was agreed to start a list of businesses to link in with the point
above – no person assigned
d. Next launch Red Lion pub – Saturday 15th January 10-12 noon with
bacon rolls & coffee – SR to sort with landlord and get costs
e. Subsequent launch Village Hall – Tuesday 18th January 6-8pm with
cheese and wine – purchasers etc to be agreed
f. AB to contact DB to have blow ups of leaflet front AO size to
display at above 2 launches x 3 no.
g. It was agreed not to bring along HS2 information as that would
confuse issues that a NP can address
h. Contact to be made by SF with Cheshire Wildlife Trust to see what
they can offer
i. Suggestion made by SR to make contact with a university similar –
it was noted they would need a full brief and the timescale may not
be favourable.
j. AB to contact Lucy Hughes to ask which other plans have included
wildlife reports
k. AB to contact DB for new design for questionnaire
l. It was noted it had been previously agreed that the questionnaire
will be distributed at the end of January 2022
m. SR proposed that residents attending either of the 2 launches
above could write comments on post it notes and affix to flip
charts screens SR would bring to give a new angle and to
encourage involvement. It was noted that the questionnaire would
not be available at the launches to avoid confusion of response.
n. It was noted that if issues raised on the above post it notes were
not relevant to the NP then they could be passed to the relevant
body such as CE or the PC for a response.
5. AOB
a. Discussion was had about inputting questionnaire data into survey
monkey but this was deferred until we see what response we get
b. The role of the “consultation” group was discussed. AB had
proposed an amendment to the title of that group and whilst no
explicit agreement was reached no dissention was received either
so in principle the name is changed to “consultation and support
i. It was agreed that this other group needs to have a wider
more defined role
ii. It was agreed that all those who had expressed an interest
in the original groups be re-invited to take part even those
who have not previously responded to such an offer – AB to
draft an email – see note below
iii. It was agreed that the other group could be involved in the
delivery of the questionnaire simply as a “through the
letterbox” exercise and that members of the SG would be
the ones to collect – no person assigned to coordinate
iv. It was agreed to ask again for other volunteers for the NP to
join the other group
v. It was agreed that one of the Parish maps be brought to
each meeting – no person assigned
vi. It was agreed that interested members of the other group
be invited along to the 11th January meeting for a “meet and
brief” prior to the 2 January launches – see email above
vii. It was agreed that we would keep the badges produced by
SR and not have new badges made to save costs.
Date of next meeting – 11th January 2022 – Village Hall – 7.30pm