Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 1st November 2022 683
1st November 2022
Present Councillors Read, Bold, Carson, Dobson, Flannery, Shore
Public 14 members of the public
Apologies Councillor Tarrant; CEC Councillor K Parkinson; Police representatives
2.1 Approval of Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 4th October 2022 were AGREED with the
correction of the word “volunteer” in item 9.1 to read “volunteers”.
2.2 Matters arising from minutes
Item 5.1 Report from Police Officer In response to a question the Clerk responded that the
Police had not responded to a request to hold a police surgery in the parish.
Item 6 Report from CEC Cllr Parkinson In response to a question the Clerk responded that CEC
had not replied to a request about helping fund the Parish Council’s petition to Government about
Item 7.6 Resignation of Internal Auditor In response to a question the Clerk responded that no
responses have been received to local adverts seeking a replacement Internal Auditor, but that other
avenues are being explored.
4. PUBLIC FORUM The following comments/questions were raised by members of the public (MoPs):
Licensing application for Cheshire Showground (see agenda item 8.1) – a resident made reference to
the potential problems that might arise from such an event.
A MoP said that they would like to get involved in trying to help ameliorate the visitor parking problem
in the village by using a field to the rear of their house on relevant occasions. [The Chair spoke to this
person after the meeting and suggested they contact the Clerk separately.]
A MoP asked why the principle of erecting the fence was not on the meeting’s agenda.
A MoP was aware of the problems caused by visitors and would not want them to be repeated, and
hopes the Parish Council would meet with some of the objectors to discuss the issue.
A MoP mentioned several points:
o Any suggestion to raise the precept by 12% would be huge;
o The Council has a substantial financial reserve;
Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 1st November 2022 683
o The Council has multiple assets which “aren’t used” but residents are paying the bills; the
Council should be promoting their additional use;
o The Council’s defibrillator at the Pavilion will be unavailable if the council erects a fence and
then closes the land;
o How will the “covenants” dealing with public access to the IROS be adhered to?
Council NOTED these points.
5. REPORT FROM POLICE OFFICER No police representative was present.
6. REPORT FROM CLLR K PARKINSON (CEC) Cllr Parkinson was not present. Cllr Flannery raised an
issue in relation to HS2B, and members AGREED to minute the fact that despite the fact that the HS2B
Draft Bill had passed its second reading in Parliament, until Royal Assent is given, there remains the
possibility that it could be stopped altogether.
7.1 Current Financial position The report was NOTED.
7.2 New payments The schedule was AGREED/AUTHORISED.
7.3 Half-year accounts and draft budget for 2023-24 Council AGREED to hold a separate
informal meeting before the December Council meeting in which the implications of the report on
next year’s budget could be explored. No decisions would be made at that meeting, but the matter
would be brought back for decision to the December meeting.
7.4 Replacement of Council laptop and purchase of Council mobile phone Council AUTHORISED
the replacement of the Council’s laptop and the purchase of a mobile phone in accordance with
the information given in the report.
8.1 Update on Planning Applications Members NOTED the Planning update that was tabled
and commented as follows:
22/3985M CEC be asked to ensure that any comments from adjoining neighbours
are taken into account.
Licensing Application – ‘Dubbed Out’, Cheshire Showground – reference was made to
other similar large events in past years and the problems that they had created. As a result
Council wished to OBJECT to the proposed licence unless it can be satisfied with the
arrangements that are put in place for the management of the event. The Clerk was asked
to contact Cheshire Showground to discover their attitude and knowledge of the proposed
8.2 Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Bold reported that the NP Working Group have met informally for a
general catch-up and a formal meeting will be organised shortly to set the next tasks. A date will
also be set for the next open meeting whereby Pickmere residents can attend to view the
operations of the Working Group.
Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 1st November 2022 683
9.1 Clover Drive Play Area Refurbishment – Update Cllr Flannery noted that major increases in
potential costs are coming through; the Working Group was aiming to publicise the information it
has gathered as to potential options. The report was NOTED.
9.2 CEC Strategic Planning Update The report was NOTED, in particular that the Cheshire East Local
Plan should hopefully finally be fully adopted in December 2022.
9.3 Inspection of Council trees The report was NOTED; the Clerk was asked to seek a cost for
the work identified.
9.4 Erection of Village boundary signs Cllr Bold was unable to present further information at
this time.
9.5 Discussion of property boundary The report was NOTED.
9.6 Discussions with CEC about further parking restrictions The report was NOTED. The Clerk was
asked to write to the CEC Highways contact and again request the repainting of the faded yellow
lines; in addition Cllr Parkinson was to be asked if she can make a contribution to that and CEC’s
investigation of parking issues in Pickmere village from the allocation she receives as Ward
Councillor for highway maintenance/improvements in High Legh Ward.
9.7 Asset Maintenance Programme The report was NOTED.
9.8 Grant aid for potential CCTV coverage Members RESOLVED to proceed with a scheme of CCTV
at the IROS subject to receiving grant aid from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community
Action Fund.
9.9 HS2 Update Cllrs Flannery and Shore updated the meeting with regard to the meeting held
with representatives of HS2 as an initial part of the petitioning process. The report was NOTED,
and the Clerk was asked to write to CEC to seek reassurances that that Council is seeking sufficient
funding from HS2 to ensure that it is capable of fully monitoring and enforcing the conditions that
will be applied to HS2 contractors when work begins on the ground (since that will be that Council’s
The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.