
5 April 2022 – 9.3 – Report – Questions from residents

April 2022 Uploaded on March 30, 2022

5th April 2022
1.1 Two communications have been received from residents of Pickmere Lane asking questions
about several topics in the village; they are reported to Council since they raise several
points/queries that have been raised one by one in recent months by residents and reporting
them gives the opportunity for the current situation in each case to be further noted and
possible additional action undertaken. Relevant initial responses are noted in each case.
Communication from resident 1
1. Pickmere Nurseries.
Over the last 3 months Pickmere nurseries has turned into a major construction site.
House building at the front and 1.5 acre concrete hardstanding to the rear.
The areas concerned are adjacent to a large pond and no mitigation work has been
carried out for the protection of great crested Newts and other amphibians.
I understand that the housing was given planning permission and this includes flood
alleviation systems in the way of SUDs but I am sure the rear concrete areas have
not had this installed.
The Parish Council is unaware of any planning application on this site other than the
granting or permission for the construction of two dwellings on the front section of the
nursery site. Any works on and use of the land to the rear of the housing site should either
continue a similar type of use to the site’s historic and lawful use (which might include the
possibility of carrying out various forms of permitted development). The Parish Council
has no information on this and enquiries should be referred to CEC as local planning
2. Frog Lane Farm
Frog Lane farm continues to expand into the adjacent fields and as far as I am aware
without planning consent? This extension includes the importation of many tons of
hardcore with lorries arriving on a daily basis. This is now probably classed as a
waste transfer site and the required permission for this are not in place. Waste
transfer sites require approval by the Environment Agency and require strict
planning control. This control includes ecological requirements Highways
agreement and restrictions on times of deliveries. School Lane is closed due to the
road breaking up and potholes appearing and all the traffic is coming down the
narrow Hall Lane. As at Pickmere Nurseries no SUDs systems are in place to prevent
Council has itself referred this issue to CEC who, it is understood have visited the site. The
Environment Agency have also been made aware of and are understood to be monitoring
the situation on this site in relation to the deposit of ‘waste’ materials.
3. Pickmere Lane Wincham boundary field.
Again this is land owned by [a local landowner] and has had tipping on the land
during 2021. I am sure you are aware of the EA involvement with this but could you
provide any update?
Council is aware of the problems that have arisen on this site, which is just outside the
parish boundary, and it is understood that the Environment Agency is actively monitoring
the situation and is effectively directing the remediation of relevant parts of the site.
4. Pickmere Weight restriction.
As a result of the work carried out in my points 1-3 Pickmere lane has seen an
increase in HGV traffic on a Lane with a 7.5 ton restriction for access only. Although
this is permitted I still see HGVs using Pickmere Lane as a short cut to Wincham
industrial estate. Is there anything that the Parish council can do to possibly contact
the Police to carry out regular spot checks?
The Parish Council is aware that vehicles exceeding 7.5 tonnes, and not accessing sites
within the weight restriction zone, are using Pickmere Lane. The Council has written to
local HGV operators when incidents involving their vehicles have been involved.
5. Brook Farm Bus damage accident
Several months ago the local bus crashed into the stream at Brook Farm. The bus
was quickly removed but the debris from this has been left behind. This includes the
bus window plastic panels and other vehicle parts. Can highways be contacted to
clear this up and replace the fence asap?
Members of the Parish Council are aware of this accident having taken place. Debris does
remain on the site, and it seems likely that although on the road verge, it is on land
forming part of the highway. Accordingly CEC would appear to be the body responsible
for tidying this land.
I wouldn’t normally be concerned about small scale development in Pickmere but I
would like to make my opinions known especially as the Pickmere plan is about to
be launched. Has any of the above been discussed within the plan?
These issues are not of relevance to the Neighbourhood Plan.
I await your comments on the above.
Lastly I would like to congratulate the Parish council on their hard work for the
village especially with the efforts made to maintain the land at the lake during the
warm summer months.
Communication from resident 2
The traffic along Pickmere lane has increased significantly since the improvement to the
junction on the a556. The large housing development now being started in lower
Wincham means a further increase will be happening in time. Pickmere Lane is becoming
known as a short cut to j19. It is getting increasingly dangerous to walk along the road,
especially at commuter times. Please can you get a speed limit of 30mph along the road.
Council has tried in the past to request CEC to secure an extension of the 30mph limit on
Pickmere Lane toward M6, as well as to secure assistance to reduce vehicle speeds here, but
without success.
2.1 That the report be noted and Council take action where possible and appropriate.
Jack Steel
Clerk to the Parish Council