
5 July 2022 8.2 Report – Neighbourhood Plan Update

July 2022 Uploaded on June 29, 2022


5th July 2022



1.1 Since the June Council meeting, an online meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group of members has taken place. The notes of that meeting are as follows:
NP Parish members online meeting 15th June 2022
Meeting started 7.00pm
1. Apologies – SF
2. AB confirmed some of the potential next steps in the NP process with reference being made to the full publication of the initial survey results via the PC website and analysis of the same, identifying the relevant sections of the CE Local Plan which hold relevance to Pickmere’s NP based on the initial surveys result, the drafting of a second survey and further involvement with CMA/Lucy Hughes. Later mention was made of the importance of a planned programme and timescale. Other mention was made of the analysis of the wildlife survey from CWT. It was also noted that subsequent to the receipt of the wildlife survey would potentially open up further roles and jobs for interested residents.
3. As the procedure to replace the 4th resident members of the SG has already been agreed by the PC, the actual process as to how to do this was further agreed in that AB will contact all original applicants to see if there is still interest in being involved and a decision taken from there depending on numbers responding as to how the choice is made and by whom.
4. The role of administrator/coordinator was discussed. It was noted that AB has been informally covering this role. It was agreed that the position be opened up to all members at the next meeting asking for a volunteer to take the role.
5. It was agreed that the new position of a rolling chair for each meeting should be alternated between the (potential) 4 resident members and the 4 PC members with each taking a turn. It was agreed to ask for a volunteer to take the first role. It was noted that some members may not be familiar with the role of chair but that they should still take the role. It was noted that this role format and opening up the meetings regularly as agreed by the PC would be positive steps and that further resident support and interest would be beneficial.
6. There was no AOB
7. Meeting ended 7.40pm
1.2 Cllr Bold will update members further.

2.1 That the report be noted.