6th September 2022
1.1 At your July meeting it was reported that Hynet had written offering to attend a meeting to present their proposals for the Hynet pipeline as it might affect Pickmere. Your Clerk was authorised to invite the company to give a presentation to members and interested members of the public in advance of tonight’s Council meeting.
1.2 In the event, Hynet responded to this request in saying:
Thank you for your email regarding Cadent’s HyNet North West Hydrogen Pipeline, and the offer to attend the meeting on 6 September. As mentioned in the recent update you received, we will present a more detailed design of the proposed pipeline route at our statutory consultation in the autumn, alongside our initial environmental assessment work, and people will have another opportunity to provide feedback.
The broad route corridor we presented during our first consultation included two options in the South corridor (Option A, west of Northwich and Option B, east of Northwich). The area surrounding Pickmere is near or within Option B. Currently, we anticipate selecting Option A, which would mean the project is unlikely to affect your area.
However, we have not yet finalised our plans and work is ongoing.
Could we suggest that we get back in touch when the detailed work is complete and we know whether Pickmere is potentially affected by the project? We can then explore the opportunity for a briefing if it is still of interest. This will likely be in early September.
1.3 More recently Cadent have issued an update stating that on 12 September, they will present updated plans, including:
• Proposed locations for the pipeline, Hydrogen Above Ground Installations and temporary construction areas
• Results from the first stages of environmental assessment
• Initial outline plans for construction.
1.4 They continue:
Information about our more detailed proposals will be available on our project website from 12 September:
As part of this consultation, we’re holding nine in-person and two online events where people can speak to the team and review consultation information.
We’ve linked to a downloadable poster in this email with the full events schedule and information on ways to give feedback. We would be grateful if you could display this in appropriate places in your parish. We’ll also be posting them to community venues and shops.
Parish councils are prescribed consultees under the Planning Act 2008 (the process this project will use to apply for consent). This means there is a formal process we need to follow to consult your parish council and we’ll be writing to you directly at the launch of the consultation with more information.
1.5 Until further information is released on 12 September it is not possible to say whether Pickmere will be affected by the proposals. If it is then the company’s poster can be displayed, and Cadent requested to present their proposals to Council. If the proposals now do not affect Pickmere then no further action need be taken.
2.1 That the report be noted.
Jack Steel
Clerk to the Parish Council