Date: Thursday 6th June 2024
Time: 7.45 pm
Venue: Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JP
Members of the Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out in the agenda.
Signed: A Riley – Clerk to the Council
- To receive apologies for absence
- Procedural matters
2.1 To approve and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2024.
2.2 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2024.
2.3 Update on action list from the Chairman.
- Declaration of Interests To provide an opportunity for members to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest in relation to any item on the Agenda.
- Public forum
Members of the public may normally ask a question or make a comment regarding any item that is on the meeting agenda. (A total of 3 minutes is normally allocated for each member of the public wishing to speak, limited to 15 minutes in all. The decision on the time allocated to each topic rests with the meeting chairperson. Advice as to other means of raising matters with the Parish Council or commenting can be found on the Council’s website.)
- Report from CE Cllr K Parkinson re Cheshire East Council matters
- Finance
6.1 To note current financial position (see monthly summary appendix 1).
To note the monthly summary to 31st May 2024.
Brought forward 29.4.24 £ 71,638.02
Income £ 1,710.00
Expenditure £ 3,714.77
Carry forward 31.5.24 £ 69,633.25
Current Account £ 19,633.25
Instant Access £ 50,000.00
Balance £ 69,633.25
6.2 Payments to be approved
Defib Store £55.00 batteries for defib
Northwich Heating £210.00 service of boiler and repair
- To receive reports from committees and working groups
7.1 Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
7.2 Lake and IROS Working Group
7.3 Village Hall Refurbishment Working Group
- Planning matters
8.1 To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters (please click on application number to access details online)
24/1570 Pickmere House, Pickmere, WA16 0AX
Listed building consent for various works.
- Reports from Clerk and from Councillors
9.1 IROS – Cllr E Campbell
To discuss the permanent closure of the large gates at the IROS and to decide if this should continue for the summer months.
To discuss replacing the missing gates onto the IROS and the potential benefits for residents and the village. To discuss re-visiting parking charges for the Parish Council owned parking spaces.
9.2 To note the investigation into the data breach – Clerk
A recent data breach resulted in a resident’s email address being distributed without their consent.
The breach has been reported to the ICO and the matter is now closed.
9.3 To discuss and adopt an Events Policy – Clerk
To discuss and adopt the attached policy (appendix 2). The council should ensure that groups holding events on council land have adequate insurance and have completed a safety management plan.
9.4 To discuss the option to advertise in Pickmere Press for 24/25 – Clerk
To consider using Pickmere Press as a publication to highlight the work of the Parish.
Council and to raise village issues. The newsletter is published bi-monthly and is provided in digital and hard copies to all residents in Pickmere.
9.5 To consider delegating authority to the Chairman to respond to social media posts about Pickmere Lake and the IROS – Cllr E Campbell
There are several groups, commercial and private, who advertise the use of Parish Council’s land to access the lake for swimming and water sports. To discuss allowing the Chairman to respond to social media posts to ensure that the correct information is available to users. Many visitors to Pickmere are misinformed about the owners of the land surrounding the lake and the legalities of using the land.
9.6 To discuss replacing the parking cones previously donated by Cheshire East – Cllr E Campbell
The majority of the cones donated by Cheshire east to help with parking issues have gone missing. There were originally 100 cones available to residents in Pickmere. To discuss replacing these cones at a cost of £749.00 for 100 no parking traffic cones, 450mm high or £849.00 orange traffic cones 750mm high.
9.7 To receive a report from the meeting with Knutsford Police – Cllr E Campbel
To receive the report (appendix 3) and agree the following recommendations:
i) That Council representatives Cllr N Greenwood and Cllr E Campbell continue to liase with Cheshire Police and CEC on measures to reduce ASB.
- ii) That CEC be requested to place some additional signs on problem roads, such as no through road, in the village and the PPC make funds available for Tow Away Zone and No access to the lake signs.
9.8 To discuss yellow lines within the village – Cllr N Greenwood
To receive an update on the discussions with Cheshire East Council about parking restrictions and to consider holding a public meeting to collaborate with residents.
9.9 Tree Survey – Clerk
To note the contents of the recent report. Quotes for the work identified will be brought to the next meeting. Only one item has been highlighted as critical with all other work being recommended within 3 to 15 months.
9.10 Erosion of bank at lake – Cllr E Campbell
To discuss the next steps required to manage the erosion site. A quote of £620 has been received to provide protection for the area once back filled.
The area will need to be planted to restore the ecosystem and prevent further erosion.
- To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 5th July at 7:45pm.
- To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) by reason of the confidential nature of the items of business to be transacted if required.
- Staffing Update – Cllr E Campbell
To receive an update on staffing issues.
- Boundaries in Pickmere – Cllr N Greenwood
To discuss inaccuracies of online maps.
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Draft Events Procedure Policy
The Parish Council supports events that enrich the village and foster community spirit. Events that are held on Parish Council owned land must adhere to the ‘Events Procedures Policy’ to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants and residents. Events must adhere to local regulations, prioritise safety measures, consider the impact on the environment and respect our community. There is a need for considerate planning, coordination, and adherence to guidelines.
- Organisations wishing to hold events on Parish Council land should apply to the Council three months in advance. Approval can only be granted at a full Council Meeting and applicants are encouraged to check the website for meeting dates.
- All correspondence about the proposed event should be sent to the Clerk to the Council.
- Public Liability of £5 million will be required for events held on Parish Council land. A copy of the insurance must be sent to the Clerk at least one month before the event.
- An Event Safety Plan, including a fire risk assessment and first aid details, must be submitted to the Clerk at least one month before the event.
- No advertising for the event should take place before agreement has been given by the Parish Council.
- Permission must be obtained before erecting banners on Parish Council land and must be promptly removed after the event.
Please note that it is at the Council’s discretion to decide whether an event is defined as charitable/community event, corporate or commercial event.
Further details can be obtained from the Clerk and previously submitted Event Safety Plans are available for reference.
Appendix 3
June 2024
AGENDA ITEM 9.6 Meeting with Knutsford Police
- Report
- A Meeting was held on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at the Village Hall with PS 37254 Dan Clarke, PC 30219 John Milman (JM) Nick Greenwood (NG) and Ewan Campbell (EC) to discuss the increased issues experienced by the residents of Pickmere this year in terms of seriousness and number.
- A list of incidents reported in 2023 was provided which consisted of 16 incidents in total:
3 Thefts (two from the Spa and one of a personal speaker at the lake), 1 Drugs (youths)
And 12 Parking reports on the Pickmere side. At the time of the meeting there has already been 15 calls made to the police at time of writing, majority consisting of parking issues, though there have been reports of more serious issues including public order and criminal damage (these have been dealt with). This does not indicate the number of calls received as if there is already an open incident it can be common practice to add the new call to an existing one. Also, in a 3 month period in 2023 plain clothed Police carried out 26 stops and issued 8 Out of Court Disposals (OOCD) at the lake.
- The Police reminded the attendees that reporting of all incidents is important as CEC use these data during their assessment of any request for a Public Space Protection Order.
- The offence of aggravated trespass was discussed. It is a criminal matter for the police to deal with, but the Police would not consider this to be likely. The first part of the offence is that the offender needs to be trespassing, which in itself is a difficult point to prove with the public right of way through the lake, IROS needs to open to pedestrians between dawn and dusk, as well as the sign welcoming the public to Pickmere Lake.
The second criteria is that the persons then need to engage in activity with the effect:
- of intimidating those persons or any of them so as to deter them or any of them from engaging in that activity,
- of obstructing that activity, OR
- of disrupting that activity.
Based on what is described, for instance people lighting BBQs, the offence of public order may potentially have been breached but not aggravated trespass.
- Knutsford Police plan to propose to senior management that Pickmere Lake is made the ‘Koper Curve’ location for the summer – this is a theory regarding crime being reduced solely from daily 15-minute visits by police in the area.
- Dispersal orders under Section 35 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2014, were raised, these can only be authorised by an Inspector or above and they only last a maximum of 48hrs. Dispersal orders can be invaluable tools for the police to utilise, but they also need to be proportionate, legal (as you are affecting human rights), and have an adequate police response to enforce. Knutsford Police are less inclined to use them unless credible intelligence of a potential incident is available.
- PPC representatives updated the Police on discussions with CEC on yellow lines, to restrict Anti Social Parking at junctions, across drop curbs, on corners and on both sides of the road restricting emergency vehicle access to areas such as Clover Drive and the lake. The Police stated that double yellow lines were far more effective in reducing parking offences than single ones and that should be considered when agreeing locations with CEC.
- The police raised Operation Park Safe as a valuable tool for Anti-social Parking. Pickmere Residents can take pictures of illegally parked cars and submit them to the Operation Park Safe website at https://www.cheshire.police.uk/…/campaigns/op-park-safe. If judged to be an offence a ticket is automatically raised. Fines need to be issued within 28 days so prompt reporting is required. However, EC stated he had tried to use the site and it had not been functioning correctly and the offence was impossible to submit. The police have also offered to run a training event in the village where offences could be simulated so as residents know what to report.
- Police surgeries were raised by the PPC representatives. The Knutsford Neighbourhood team for Pickmere continues to be understaffed. A second PC should be joining soon and that will help but surgeries are normally performed by the PCSO and that vacancy has not been filled. Attendance has been poor at Police Surgeries in the past and often it was the same 3 people attending so priority was given to other areas.
- The police were keen to discuss other long term options for Pickmere. These included.
- Signs for roads to discourage anti social driving/parking. For example, Tow Away Zones. Clover Drive could have no through road signs and “no access to the Lake” signs as suggested by NG.
- Astbury Mere in Congleton had similar issues and that was dealt with by planting spikey hedges around the mere to good effect.
2 Recommendation
2.1 That Council representatives NG and EC continue to liaise with Cheshire Police and CEC on measures to reduce ASB.
2.2 That CEC be requested to place some additional signs on problem roads, such as no through road, in the village and the PPC make funds available for Tow Away Zone and No access to the lake signs.