held at 7.45pm on Thursday 6th June 2024
at Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, Pickmere
Present * Cllr E Campbell
* Cllr C Hart
* Cllr N Greenwood
* Cllr J Henderson
* Cllr A Knights
* Cllr P Knights
* Cllr L Marshall
* Cllr S Read
* denotes attendance
Also in attendance: Mrs A Riley – Clerk
Public 12 members of the public were in attendance.
- proceduaral matters
2.1 To approve and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2024.
The minutes of the meeting were AGREED and signed.
2.2 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 9th May 2024.
2.3 Update on action list from the Chairman.
Cllr E Campbell advised the council that the majority of actions were being closed in a timely manner and expressed thanks to the volunteers who were helping to organise the D-Day Commemoration.
A resident, speaking on behalf of a number of residents, expressed their objections to the council buying cones for use in the village on the grounds that they would be stolen over time.
A member of the public brought up the topic of the data breach. The Clerk advised that the ICO had closed the case.
A resident asked that council members are clearer on their proposals in council meetings. The same resident raised the issue of a letter that they had received from the council’s bank. The Clerk agreed to investigate the matter.
A resident requested an update on the fence that had been purchased by the previous council but not installed. Cllr E Campbell replied that he had spoken to the company involved and had received confirmation that the fence and supports would be sold on behalf of the Parish Council and monies returned.
One resident asked about the gate at the IROS and another two residents outlined their support for the temporary closure of the gate.
A member of the public advised that they had raised money for new cones in the village and would like to donate the funds to the council be used to purchase the items. - REPORT FROM CE CLLR K PARKINSON
A report had been received and the items included in the agenda.
6.1 To note the current financial position as at 31 May 2024.
Brought forward 29.4.24 £ 71,638.02
Income £ 1,710.00
Expenditure £ 3,714.77
Carry forward 31.5.24 £ 69,633.25
Current Account £ 19,633.25
Instant Access £ 50,000.00
Balance £ 69,633.25
The bank reconciliation and monthly income and expenditure was NOTED by the council.
6.2 Payments to be approved.
It was RESOLVED to make the following payments:
Defib Store £55.00 batteries for defib
Northwich Heating £210.00 service of boiler and repair
7.1 Neighbourhood Plan Working Group.
Cllr A Knights explained that letters had been sent to all major stakeholders in Pickmere. The Neighbourhood Plan website would be going live week commencing 10th June 2024.
7.2 Lake and IROS Working Group.
No meetings had taken place.
7.3 Village Hall Refurbishment Working Group.
No meetings had taken place.
8.1 To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters
24/1570 Pickmere House, Pickmere, WA16 0AX.
Listed building consent for various works.
Cheshire Showground – Entertainment and Alcohol Licence Application
No objections. Cllr E Campbell advised the council that some residents had made representations but that the licence had been granted.
9.1 IROS.
A discussion took place about locking the gates to part of the car park. There had been a number of people who had returned to find that their vehicles had been locked in and had been aggressive and abusive. Locking the gates permanently throughout summer would reduce these incidents and ensure that individual volunteers who open and lock the gates would not be targeted. It was agreed that the small number of spaces affected by locking the gate would not increase the problem with illegal and anti-social parking around the village.
Cllr S Read proposed that the gate should be locked from 1st May to 30th September, to be reviewed at September’s meeting. Seconded by Cllr N Greenwood. A vote was taken and all were in favour except Cllr C Hart who abstained.
It was AGREED to lock the gate until 30th September 2024, with a review to take place at September’s meeting.
Cllr E Campbell talked about the two missing gates onto the IROS. Two gates had been donated and one refitted. It was AGREED that the Clerk would obtain a quote to hang the second gate.
A brief conversation took place about introducing car park fees and it was agreed to defer this to September’s meeting at the original terms obtained had been based on all parking spaces being accessible.
9.2 To note the investigation into the data breach.
A recent data breach resulted in a resident’s email address being distributed without their consent. The breach had been reported to the ICO and the matter closed.
9.3 To discuss and adopt an Events Policy.
Cllr C Hart proposed that the policy be adopted. Seconded by Cllr J Henderson. It was RESOLVED to adopt the policy.
9.4 To discuss the option to advertise in Pickmere Press for 24/25.
The Clerk was asked to contact Pickmere Press to ask for a quote for the remainder of the financial year.
9.5 To consider delegating authority to the Chairman to respond to social media posts about Pickmere Lake and the IROS.
Cllr J Henderson proposed that Cllr E Campbell be allowed to respond to social media messages that provide misinformation about using the IROS and gaining access to the lake. Seconded by Cllr L Marshall. A vote took place and Cllr S Read abstained.
It was AGREED that Cllr E Campbell be delegated to reply to such posts.
9.6 To discuss replacing the parking cones previously donated by Cheshire East.
A discussion took place and it was AGREED to accept donations specifically for traffic cones..
9.7 To receive a report from the meeting with Knutsford Police.
Cllr E Campbell spoke about the meeting and praised PC J Milman for his outstanding contribution and support for Pickmere and the surrounding areas.
Pickmere does not have a designated PCSO. In the first half of 2024 more reports have been made then in the whole of 2023 and Cllr E Campbell stressed the importance of advising the police about illegal and anti-social behaviour.
Pickmere has been included in a strategy to maintain a visible level of policing and will receive a 15 minute visit each day.
Police surgeries are not scheduled to return as they were previously not well attended.
The police suggested that more warning signs such as, ‘No through Road’ ‘No access to Lake’ may be beneficial. It was AGREED that the Clerk would contact Cheshire East Council to ask how this can be achieved.
9.8 To discuss yellow lines within the village.
Cllr N Greenwood proposed that two public meetings (drop ins) be held to liaise with residents about the possibility of additional yellow lines within the village. Seconded by Cllr L Marshall.
It was AGREED to hold two meetings, dates to be confirmed.
Cllr E Campbell told the council that Cheshire East has confirmed that the budget is available to undertake the work in 2024/25.
9.9 Tree Survey.
The Clerk advised that a tree survey has been completed and distributed to Councillors. Four companies have been contacted to quote for the work identified.
Cllr E Campbell proposed that a budget of £150 be delegated to the Clerk if further information is found to be required from the author of the report. Seconded by Cllr S Read.
It was RESOLVED to delegate a budget of £150 to the Clerk.
9.10 Erosion of bank at lake.
A discussion about the current situation took place and it was AGREED to defer the issue to the Lakes Working Group to investigate and report back to the next meeting.
- To confirm the date of the next meeting.
The date was confirmed as Thursday 44h July 2024 at 7:30pm in the Pavilion. The change in time and location to accommodate the Village Hall being used as a polling station.
- To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) by reason of the confidential nature of the items.
It was AGREED to exclude the public and press from the rest of the meeting.
- Staffing Update.
The Clerk had tendered their resignation with effect from 31st August 2024. It was RESOLVED to advertise the post of Clerk at a minimum of 35 hours a month, SCP 12-16 dependant on experience and qualifications.
- Boundaries in Pickmere.
Cllr N Greenwood updated the council about a number of discrepancies showing on online maps.
The meeting closed at 10:00pm