
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023/24

The Parish Council has received the audit report from the External Auditor. See the notice of Conclusion of audit for details and the External Auditor Report and Certificate 2023/24. CH0158 2023_24...

Parish Council meeting dates

Due to the continuing uncertainty about whether the Government's Covid Step 4 will come to pass on 21st June, and the complications of trying to hold an in-person Parish Council meeting before Step 4...

Closure of A556 in April due to work at M6 J19

DRIVERS are being warned about long delays on the M6 when two full closures come into force on the motorway in April. Highways England will be closing both carriageways at junction 19 in order to...

Erection of new signs at Pickmere Lake

Residents will have noticed the erection of two new signs on Jacob's Way as you enter the Parish Council land.  These signs simply consolidate existing Council policies with regard to the use and...

Changes at the Parish Council

At last night’s Parish Council meeting, the resignation of Cllr Helen Shaul from the Council was noted. Helen has moved out of the parish. The Council wished her well and thanked her for her...