
New Council projects

Following consideration of the Council’s budget for 2021-22 and other financial matters, we are looking at carrying out a number of maintenance/replacement jobs on various parts of the Council’s property. The biggest of these is the Clover Drive play area. A working group of the Council is now looking into the options for refurbishing or replacing the play equipment, benches, etc., where additional funding might be sourced, and which seem the best companies to quote to do the job. The sub-group hopes to report back to Council in the New Year with some results! In the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions as to the type of play equipment or facility that might be desirable, feel free to email the Parish Clerk at .

The Council has also considered a number of other projects and will be proceeding shortly with the erection of a new lamppost inside the ‘black gates’, which will allow the Council to reopen the gates and bring the lower parking spaces back into use. In addition the Council has commissioned the replacement of the small wooden platform on the lakeside, and is investigating various other improvements.