

Pickmere parish is the home for a number of community organisations, several of which regularly use the Village Hall.

Pickmere Social Events Group is a long-established group of Pickmere residents who seek to raise money for parish/village benefit and also to generate village community activities. In normal times the Group organises weekly ‘Sunday afternoon teas by the lake’, the proceeds of which are used to benefit the local community. The Group also organises an annual ‘Party by the Lake’ on a summer Saturday evening, a summer Children’s Fun Day, the visit of Father Christmas to the village in December, accompanied by communal carols, mince pies and punch, the springtime appearance of the Easter Bunny, with an associated egg hunt, and other activities including village litter picks) in association with Pickmere against Plastic. In recent years the Group has helped fund maintenance work in the village including the painting of the Pavilion and the play area equipment.

Pickmere against Plastics (PAP) is a local environmental group concerned with the reduction of single-use plastics in homes and businesses. Formed in 2018, the group has shared information about the damage plastics cause to the environment, including the contribution to climate change, and has encouraged households and businesses to reduce usage. In 2019, along with many other like-minded communities, Pickmere achieved an award for its efforts and now has the Plastic-Free Pickmere title. For more information contact the Parish Clerk via the Contact us page on this website.