Please note that a Councillors’ surgery will be held at 7.00 p.m. in the Village Hall on Tuesday 1st February. Drop in if you would like to speak to a Councillor on an individual basis, whether to ask questions on any parish topic or to discuss a matter of concern.
A Parish Council meeting will follow at 7.30. The agenda documents will be found elsewhere on this website.
The arrangements for the meeting will be as follows:
- Because of continuing Covid concerns, and so as to provide reasonable social spacing, the number of members of the public that will be able to attend the meeting will be limited to 8-10, depending on whether our PCSO and/or Cheshire East councillor are proposing to attend. No more than this number will be admitted to the meeting.
- To help protect those attending the meeting, any members of the public attending will be required to wear a suitable face covering on entering the building and whilst remaining in the building. Any person not willing to do this will not be admitted to the meeting.
- In view of the concern in some quarters about the continued spread of the Omicron variety of Covid-19, attendees are also requested to carry out a lateral flow test before attending and only attend if this proves negative. Should anyone not have an unused test, the Parish Clerk has some spare ones which can be made available – please contact him through this website or via his telephone number.
- Normal precautions regarding the use of hand gel etc will be observed.
We trust you will understand why these continuing precautions are being taken and that you will cooperate with them.