1st February 2022
1.1 Various actions have occurred since your last meeting:
A quotation has been received for the surfacing of the VH car park and other land; the
quotation will be considered under agenda item 10 on the confidential section of this
A quotation has been requested for the clearing of moss from the Pavilion roof.
A draft contract has been submitted by Charities Buying Group for the provision of a
broadband service to the Village Hall; the draft contract will be considered under
agenda item 10 on the confidential section of this agenda.
WAP Lawton & Son Ltd have been instructed to install further bollards on the small grass
areas at the IROS car park.
1.2 In relation to the condition of the Village Hall floor (in ladies’ and gents’ toilets), the surveyor
has visited further. A small section of the floor has been excavated down to sub-floor level, and
there is no evidence of a damp proof membrane between the subfloor and the concrete base
for the floor tiles. The floor, walls and skirtings there are all demonstrably damp, as can be seen
from the external evidence. The problem in the ladies’ toilets seems to bear out the above
1.3 The surveyor’s further report is appended, but essentially the options available are three:
do nothing – leave for a few years more till the problems become more serious (in the
meantime put up with more of the skirtings in the extension and the plasterwork etc
becoming damp/unsightly and rotten);
take up the tiles in the toilets, apply a waterproofing slurry on the concrete surface, and
then after waiting for that to cure, test again to see if the product is preventing moisture
reaching the slab surface; if it has, relay the tiles; if not, then the only solution might be
to move on to –
taking up the concrete slab as a whole and replacing it but with the required damp proof
membrane – which is clearly a substantial project.
1.4 Members are reminded that the kitchen and toilet extension to the Village Hall was constructed
approximately 25 years ago through a form of ‘community payback’ scheme and was not
constructed by a professional builder. There were some issues at the time with regard to the
quality of construction, and it would seem that this problem results from the same factor.
1.5 Quotations have been requested for the two alternatives mention in para. 1.3.
1.6 An oral report will be given as to other elements of the programme.
2.1 That members note the report and decide on any action required.
Jack Steel
Clerk to the Parish Council