1st February 2022
1.1 Members will recall that a survey of parish residents on the topic of car parking in the village was carried out in 2021. A summary of the results of the survey is provided below.
2.1 That the report be noted.
Jack Steel
Clerk to the Parish Council
Q1 What type of parking control would you like on Jacobs Way?
Q2 What type of parking control would you like on Mere Lane?
Q3 What type of parking control would you like on The Orchards?
Q4 What type of parking control would you like on Park Lane?
Q5 What type of parking control would you like on Clover Drive?
Q6 If you have selected ‘Single yellow lines’ for any of the roads mentioned, can you suggest what periods/times you think are appropriate (the current yellow lines on Mere Lane etc restricts waiting at weekends and Bank Holidays from May through to September).
Comments (49 people responded with a comment)
• Any/all roads, including cul-de-sacs off Clover Drive and Park Road which do not have capacity to handle visitor parking at serious levels seen already, then by using single yellow on both sides it would allow residents to park, included in signage, but fully restricts lake visitors during daytime hours as defined by Met Office, thereby keeping people away who do not bring anything to the village, e.g., no spend taken. Signage should also be installed at numerous points stating ‘No Access or Parking for Lake Visitors. Signage to also include Police signs for fixed fines if caught parking, risk of towing plus possible points.
• Parking is still needed for residents. Vans on Mere Lane parking on the pavement blocking visibility getting in & out and access to walk on the pavement needs to stop.
• The parking in the whole area is dangerous and a nuisance.
• Double yellow on Park Lane between Mere Lane and Clover Drive. Current restrictions would work if policed. Any new restrictions must be enforced to be any use.
• Suggest double yellow lines on bends at start of Clover Drive and on first bend to the left
• It’s not mentioned in any of the above, but I suggest double yellow lines on both corners of the Park Lane/Clover Drive junction.
• On Jacobs Way and Clover Drive, just double yellow lines until the residential area. On Park Lane, double lines from the Red Lion to Mere Lane and single yellow on the other side of the road, from 1st March until 31st September.
• Nobody takes any notice of the single lines. Double yellow lines would be more of a deterrent.
• Single yellow lines are clearly not effective, they need to be double or not bother
• Restricted April to October and all bank holidays between 9am and 9pm
• May to September restrictions at the weekends and bank holidays
• 6am-6pm
• Everyday April to September
• Every Day From 9am-8pm Between May and September. During hot spells or school holidays the parking situation is just as dangerous during weekdays.
• No waiting from January through to December (All year) 8am to 8pm every day.
• May-September but weekdays between 1000-1800 as well as weekends
• Have the restricted parking duration for single yellow lines from 01 May to 30 September at ANY time during this period
• Same – weekends and bank holidays – May – September
• May to October
• Same as now but add: No parking Midday until 19.00 any day.
• Easter to end September I think sufficient
• May to September weekends
• Easter to September weekends and bank holiday
• At all times
• Saturday/Sunday
• Same as current times
• Same as Mere Lane
• All year round.
• As existing period/times but BOTH sides of road as noted
• Same as Mere Lane otherwise too confusing
• Same as Mere Lane x 2
• Same as it is on Mere Lane but with parking permits for residents, as a house with 3 cars and enough space on the drive for 2 parking permits would be essential and allows for friend and family to visit without worrying about where to park – constant issues at the moment with my elderly grandparents have to park far away and walk as they can’t park on Mere Lane.
• One problem with this is resident parking. Permits for residents.
• April to October. But I think we need residents parking permits.
• Permit parking for residents and visitors
• Restrictions as they are but residents should have a number of parking permits per house for those who do not have enough parking on own property and for visitors. E.g., difficult for elderly relatives to have to park on another road and walk to the house.
• Parking permits for residents and their visitors. We have 3 cars in our household and only 2 parking spaces so one of us has to park on the road making it very difficult! Then when we have visitors e.g., Partners or grandparents come round it’s difficult to get spaces for them too.
• Why is there no option for parking permit? Typical Parish council of PickMere. You do not listen to residents.