Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 20th July 2021 (668)
20th July 2021
Present Councillors Read (Chair), Bold, Dobson, Flannery, Tarrant,
Apologies Councillors Shore and Carson, Cllr K Parkinson (CEC), PCSO E Darroch
Police Nil
Public 3 members of the public for most of the meeting
2.1 Approval of Minutes The minutes of the annual council meeting and ordinary council meeting
of 4th May 2021 were agreed.
2.2 Matters arising – Ordinary Council meeting – 2.2 – Matters arising – the Clerk noted that no
reply had been received from CEC to the Parish Council’s several requests for a meeting to discuss
the future of the land at Meadowcroft/Sunnyside, Pickmere Lane.
– Cllr Tarrant reported that he
had had a recent discussion with the representatives of the two families wishing to erect memorial
items at the IROS, and that he will seek further meetings shortly.
5 – Report from PCSO – the Clerk understand
that the Police’s survey is now complete and hopes to speak to the PCSO about its results shortly.
8.5 Covid Business Restart Grant – the Clerk
submitted an application for such grant, but this was rejected as Parish Councils are ineligible
(despite the conflicting advice previously received on this point).
10.3 Reopening of Village Hall – only one
group had expressed interest in reusing the Hall since the last meeting, but in the event, because of
the complex arrangements required, decided to hold off until Covid rules and policies were more
relaxed. It was agreed later in the meeting that the Clerk would inform relevant potential hirers that
the Hall could be hired from 1st September; Cllr Bold will redraft the Risk Assessment which hopefully
should be simpler than the current Assessment.
10.5 – Community Speedwatch – Cllr Dobson
updated the position – a team of volunteers has now been assembled and trained by the Police and
could start surveys forthwith at the two police-approved locations on Pickmere Lane. It is hoped
that the team can start this week. Members discussed the possibility of a survey point on Park Lane,
where there is sufficient room for volunteers to be clear of the highway; Cllr Dobson will seek the
Police’s views on this.
4. PUBLIC FORUM A member of the public had been asked why the Council’s proposed
discussion as to the possibility of providing a large commercial waste bin at the IROS was to be
Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 20th July 2021 (668)
discussed on the meeting’s Private Agenda; she was grateful for the explanation that Cllr Bold had
provided to the Residents Association via its Facebook page, which was essentially that
consideration of financial tenders or quotations is customarily given on the Council’s Private Agenda
because such discussions relate to financial submissions and the Council wishes to maintain
commercial confidentiality as far as possible. [In fact there is mention of the waste bin issue on the
report on Public agenda item 9.2, although this may not be clear from its title.]
The Chair added that decisions of this nature made by public authorities like parish councils do take
longer because of the need to maintain financial probity and give full consideration to their merits.
In general the Council only meets monthly so clearly decisions can take some time to be made.
Private companies can act much more quickly, but they are not subject to the same legal constraints
as councils.
5. REPORT FROM PCSO The PCSO had communicated to say that no burglaries or car crimes had
been reported in Pickmere in the past month. The Police had attended during the last weekend
when Pickmere was busy with visitors, and the PCSO is setting up an operation to provide more
patrols and the availability of more parking tickets. The results of the recent Police survey are
available for discussion with the Council. The Chair asked if the PCSO could clarify what liaison there
is between the Police and CEC on traffic and parking issues.
6. REPORT FROM CLLR K PARKINSON Cllr Parkinson had communicated the following:
Updated information had been provided by Highway officers as to some of the road repair
issues previously raised. [This information was not completely clear however.]
Lakeside litter issues – Cllr Parkinson had had discussions with CEC’s officer on this topic and
had requested the possibility of CEC providing a commercial waste bin at the IROS. There was
further information and discussion of this point at agenda item 9.2.
The Clerk was asked to remind the Police that the Cheshire Show is this year being held on a Saturday
(31st July) and this could well coincide with a high number of visitors to the Lake bringing the now
expected parking problems; the coincidence of the two could be particularly severe.
Councillor Flannery suggested that any correspondence with CEC pointing out dangerous potholes
etc should be copied to CEC’s insurers, which might incline CEC to act more purposefully to resolve
such issues.
7.1 Current financial position The monthly financial summary was noted.
7.2 New payments The schedule of new payments was agreed; the Clerk was authorised to
pay the cleaner’s bill which would be submitted once she had cleaned the Hall on 21st July, after this
Members Working Group for the NP should comprise Cllrs Bold, Flannery, Tarrant and Read (as Chair
Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 20th July 2021 (668)
of the Council), and that the chairmanship of the proposed Steering Group be rotated among those
councillors (such chair at each meeting maintaining the casting vote if required). Members also
That the Members Working Group be tasked with the selection of resident members of the
Steering Group from among the volunteers who had put their names forward, and the
organisation of any Consultation group(s).
That the Terms of Reference of the proposed NP Steering Group be approved on that basis.
That the suggested principles relating to GDPR aspects of the operation of the Steering
Group and Consultation Group(s) be adopted as a supplement to the Council’s GDPR Policies
and Processes.
8.2 Planning application update The schedule was noted. In respect of application 21/3347M
(High Garth, Park Lane) members agreed that similar objections should be submitted as were
submitted in relation to the previous application 20/0980M – in particular in relation to the
proposed garage.
8.3 Tipping at Pickmere Lane Wincham and Frog Lane, Pickmere The report was noted.
8.4 Cheshire East Strategic Planning Update The report was noted.
9.1 Parish Aims The Chair introduced this report by saying that it was his wish that Council’s
decisions and actions should be upfront and visible to all residents. In relation to the Aims he had
listed in this report, many are ongoing duties and activities carried out on a continuing basis. In
particular was the wish to achieve more engagement from local residents, it being noted that
requests for volunteers to help the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan and contributions to the
play area renewal had resulted in small numbers of respondents in relation to the size of Pickmere’s
population. Members agreed to add the phrase “through online and face to face engagement” in
Aim 14, and thus agreed the Schedule of Parish Aims, which will be published on the website. A next
step would be to detail in particular how Aim 14 (Liaising with local residents’ groups) might be
9.2 Pickmere Lake Multi-Agency meeting and other visitor issues The Clerk and the Chair
reported on the meeting they had attended with representatives of the district and parish councils
surrounding the lake, the landowners, and the police (both Northwich and Knutsford Divisions). The
meeting had been organised by the Wincham-side bodies and mainly discussed the issues relating
to visitors on the Cheshire West lakeside land. However the various parish council representatives
had agreed to hold a separate meeting to discuss how social media messages could be put out
explaining the shortcomings of the lake as a visitor attraction – e.g. the lack of parking and public
toilet provision. Such a meeting is due to take place shortly.
The Chair proposed the issuing of a questionnaire to all Pickmere residents focussing on the
particular visitor parking problems on the roads nearest the lake. This was agreed and the Residents’
Association was asked to help with the distribution and collection of these survey documents. Similar
ideas could perhaps be explored further at the September meeting.
Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 20th July 2021 (668)
There was discussion of the principle of installing a commercial size waste bin at the IROS. It was
explained that CEC currently provide and empty the litter bins there on a very regular basis, and at
no charge to the Parish Council. However CEC will not provide additional bins since the land
concerned is privately owned by the Parish Council. Members will discuss the quotes received for
the provision of a commercial bin at item 10.1 on the private agenda.
9.3 Recent fatality at the lake The Chair proposed and it was agreed that the Council’s
condolences to the family of the person who recently lost his life at the lake should be formally
recorded. This was the first opportunity the Council had to do this.
The report was noted.
9.4 Play area – annual survey and renewal project The annual survey had found, similar to recent
years, that there were no issues at the area requiring urgent remedies, although it was
acknowledged that the equipment is now in need of refurbishment or renewal. In relation to the
renewal project, the next step is to hold an informal event on site with local families, including
children, to explore ideas. This will be held very shortly.
9.5 Pickmere Neighbourhood Watch The Council welcomed the establishment of this scheme.
9.6 Village Hall – installation of broadband Members agreed that the Clerk should explore this
further and seek quotations.
9.7 HS2 Recent publications The Clerk made reference to a recently issued HS2 update which
discusses the proposed publication of the hybrid Bill for HS2B in early 2022. A copy of this update is
on the Council’s website under Documents/Major Issues/HS2. HS2 are currently holding a series of
webinars and face to face Route Wide Update events. Events are taking place along the line of the
route, so that people from their respective community areas are able to attend the events that are
most suited to them. The next event will be held in High Legh, on Saturday 24 July. A place at this
event must be booked using the link Western Leg of Phase 2b: Crewe to Manchester route wide
update – High Legh | High Speed 2 (hs2.org.uk)
9.8 Village Signage Cllr Bold reported on the discussions she had had with CEC about the process for
renewing the village boundary signs. Council agreed with the idea of acquiring upgraded village
signs, and that Cllr Bold be asked to explore potential designs and locations further, and to seek
indications of potential cost.
9.9 CEC Community Governance Review – pre-consultation The report was noted.
9.10 CEC proposed Top Up Highways Maintenance Scheme The report was noted with regret
expressed as to the need for it to exist, the nature of the proposed system and the extent of
bureaucracy involved.
9.11 Feedback from CHALC course on use of Facebook/social media Cllr Bold reported that this
was an extremely interesting and useful course, and that other members would benefit from it.
As a result she suggested that the Council should have a social media policy and suggested that
she could draft such. Council noted the report and accepted this suggestion.
Pickmere Parish Council Minutes 20th July 2021 (668)
9.12 Asset Maintenance Programme The report was noted. It was agreed that a report on the
Council’s asset strategy should be included on the September agenda. The Chair commented
that CEC has now confirmed that it owns the Cheshire railings on Pickmere Lane near the Park
Lane junction, together with the verge and trees on which it sits. The Clerk had tried without
success so far to find an officer at CEC with whom the Council could discuss the possible
renovation or renewal of these railings. The Chair therefore proposed, and the Council agreed,
that the Clerk should seek quotations for the renewal of this fence, so that if we do find a contact
at CEC we have potential financial figures already available. The Clerk pointed out that this
might be an item for CEC’s Top Up Highway Maintenance programme (see item 9.10 above).
9.13 Resolution to exclude the public Council resolved that members of the public should be asked
to leave the meeting at this point to enable discussion of confidential matters.
10.1 Provision of large refuse bin at the IROS Two web-based quotations had been obtained for
the provision of a commercial sized waste bin for the IROS. Unlike the existing litter bins, the
provision and emptying of a large commercial bin would have to be fully funded by the Parish
Council. The Clerk was asked to discuss with Divert.co.uk the details of such provision, including
the questions of having the bin for only a temporary period rather than for a full year (for 2021
from now until end-September) and also the question of insurance. It is possible that ANSA (i.e.
CEC) may submit a quotation and this will be considered if received in reasonable time. The
Clerk in conjunction with the Chair was authorised to commission provision of such a bin for the
period mentioned if suitable arrangements could be made at reasonable cost.
10.2 Hatching of parking spaces at the IROS Council agreed to commission KJ Lines Ltd to paint
hatching on the parking space outside the IROS field gate, and also outside the lake access gate
at the figure quoted.