4th July 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present: Councillors E Campbell, N. Greenwood, C. Hart, J. Henderson, A. Knights, P. Knights, L. Marshall,
Public: Not recorded
Apologies: Councillor S. Read, CEC Councillor K Parkinson, PC J Milman
2.1 The minutes of the Council meeting held on 6th June 2023 were circulated prior to the meeting and it was AGREED that they be approved as a correct record.
2.2 The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 6th June 2023 were circulated prior to the meeting and it was AGREED that they be approved as a correct record.
3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations made.
There were no matters raised by the public following the active engagement with the Councillors Surgery prior to the meeting itself.
PC 30219 John MILMAN, beat PC for PICKMERE, submitted a written report having given his apologies for not being able to attend the Council meeting due to shift arrangements. A copy of his report was circulated prior to the meeting and is appended to these minutes. It was AGREED that the report be noted.
Cllr Parkinson was unavoidably absent from the meeting but had updated the Chairman on issues with regard to Frog Lane where the road has been repaired and she has repeated her request on behalf of the Council for yellow lines to be repainted. It was AGREED that the report be noted.
7.1 Current financial position Members were invited to note the current financial position previously circulated and appended to these minutes. It was AGREED that the report be noted.
7.2 New Payments Members were invited to approve the schedule of payments previously circulated and appended to these minutes. Cllr Hart expressed concern at the cost of refurbishing the defibrillator and these were noted and assured that weekly checks were now being made on the equipment so there should be no similar future issues.
The alcohol licence for the Village Hall was also discussed with clarity sought on what or who the licence would cover and who would hold the licence. However it was agreed that the licence itself would be of value.
The apparent lack of quotes for the HS2 presentation was discussed and members acknowledged the importance of adhering to Financial Regulations and obtaining 3 quotes in the future.
It was AGREED that the payments set out in the schedule be approved for payment, but also including the payment of the invoices of the Village Hall cleaner for June [£84.00] and July [one clean due to her holidays – £21].
8.1 Planning applications received and enforcement matters Members discussed the schedule of Planning Matters previously circulated. With regard to application 23/2220M concerns were expressed around flooding and the lack of information about the provision of sewage management and electricity supply. In addition this was a further development in the Green Belt. It was noted that there were a considerable number of negative comments on the Planning Portal from Pickmere residents.
With regard to application 23/2309M the Council AGREED that it would not object to this application.
Members expressed general concern with the lack of progress on enforcement actions and the Council AGREED to raise this with Cheshire East Council and to request Cllr Parkinson also to raise the issue.
9.1 Strategy for the Council The Chairman circulated the first draft of an overall, high level strategy for the Council. Members discussed the Strategy briefly and concluded how to move forward. It was AGREED that the Draft Strategy be made available on the website with paper copies being made available if requested. In addition it would be shared with Pickmere Press and will be shared on the Council Facebook page.
9.2 Establishment of a Committee Structure for the Council Members discussed an outline proposal for a structure including committees and working groups. It was AGREED that the following structure be implemented and the named councillors duly appointed to those structures:
• Finance Working Group Cllrs Campbell; Hart and P Knights
• Lake Issues Working Group Cllrs Henderson; Hart and members of the public
• Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Cllr A Knights (to lead and bring group forward)
• Planning Committee Cllrs Greenwood; P Knights; Hart and Henderson
• Community and Asset Committee Cllrs Campbell; A and P Knights and Marshall
• Employment Committee Cllrs Campbell, Greenwood, and Marshall
9.3 Update on councillor training Cllrs A and P Knights and Cllr Campbell have already attended training sessions provided by the Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC). Members stated their commitment to training and it was AGREED they would source appropriate training for the lead they were taking (such as Finance or Planning) whilst noting the budget implications. All bookings will be notified to Cllr Marshall who is overseeing the agreed budget spend.
9.4 Programme of Council Meetings Members discussed the dates of future meetings and AGREED that the next meetings will take place on Tuesday 1st August which is an additional meeting to those originally suggested and Tuesday 5th September. It was agreed that potential dates following may be amended to an alternate day to allow attendance from residents who are unable to attend Tuesday meetings.
9.5 Social Media Policy Members discussed the draft Social Media Policy that had been previously circulated. It was AGREED that the Policy be adopted.
9.6 Extension to Village Hall Site It was agreed that there would be merit in the Hall having a bigger car park and that the representative of the Crown Estate should be approached by the Chairman with a view to opening a dialogue. It was also noted that there were outstanding repairs necessary to the fabric of the Village Hall itself. It was AGREED that Cllr P Knights take a lead on this by drawing up a list of works that were needed.
9.7 Bank Holiday weekend and Visitor Issues Members discussed the paper previously circulated by the Chairman and appended to these minutes. It was AGREED that Council purchase permanent signs up to a maximum of £500 to include installation and that Council get quotes from at least 3 parking companies for management of PPC parking at the Turton Pavilion to be and reported back to council at the next meeting, and finally it was AGREED that Council contacts Laura Woodrow-Hirst, ASB and Community Enforcement Manager, Neighbourhood Services at CEC to discuss implementation of a PSPO. Members noted that these issues were of particular concern to the electorate of the parish and that the Lake Issues Working Group would consult with the community and report back to the Council with ideas and issues.
9.8 Noise from Manchester Airport Members noted the paper previously circulated by the Chairman and appended to these minutes. It was AGREED that enquiries be made into the Airport Partnership Meetings and every effort be made to participate in these meetings.
9.9 HS2 Report on representations to Parliamentary Select Committee Members were invited to note the comprehensive report produced by Jack Steel and which is appended to these minutes. The Council wished to convey its thanks to Jack, Andrew Shore and the presenting team for their professionalism. It was noted that there was a further consultation underway and the Chairman agreed to circulate further details to members in due course.
9.10 Cheshire East Council Bus Support Criteria Consultation The Chairman drew attention to the current consultation and encouraged members and the public to respond. The consultation runs until 6th August.
9.11 Resolution to exclude the public Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, as applied by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972, members are invited to consider excluding the press and public by resolution as the matter under discussion is confidential and related to an employee of the Council. It was AGREED that the meeting be closed to the press and public.
10. REPLACEMENT OF PARISH CLERK The Chairman updated members on the progress made to date on recruitment for a permanent parish clerk. The post has been advertised with ChALC and other relevant places with a closing date of 28th July. It was AGREED that an interview panel consisting of Cllrs Marshall; Greenwood and Campbell be set up with Jackie Weaver of ChALC in an advisory position. The panel will in turn make recommendations to full Council on the appointment.