
5 July 2022 DRAFT Council minutes

July 2022 Uploaded on August 2, 2022


5th July 2022


Present Councillors Bold, Dobson, Shore, Tarrant; Councillor Read for the latter part of the meeting (unavoidably detained elsewhere); CEC Councillor K Parkinson
Apologies Councillors Flannery and Carson; PC Lawrence Price
Public 3 members of the public

1a ELECTION OF MEETING CHAIRPERSON In the absence of Cllr Read at the start of the meeting, Cllr Shore was elected as meeting chairperson until such time as Cllr Read entered the meeting.


2.1 Approval of Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 7th June 2022 were agreed.

2.2 Matters arising from minutes

9.1 Co-option of 8th Councillor In answer to a question, the Clerk replied that both persons previously expressing interest in becoming a parish councillor had been contacted further; one had said that his employment responsibilities had now changed and for the moment he felt that he did not have sufficient time to take up a councillor position; a response from the second person was awaited.



5. REPORT FROM POLICE OFFICER The police representative had emailed since he could not attend. He reported that he had now been transferred to another police station, and his replacement, when appointed, will introduce themselves in due course. Cllr Dobson reported that the Police had confirmed that letters had been sent to all those caught via Community Speedwatch.

6. REPORT FROM CLLR K Parkinson (CEC) Cllr Parkinson reported as follows:
• Repair work on School Lane had been completed; she continues to chase re Hall Lane.
• She asked if the Parish Council would like to send a representative to CEC’s council meeting to speak on the Spinks Lane matter.
• On Frog Lane Farm she has been chasing the Environment Agency for a response and will do so further.
• In relation to the removal of a hedge at Spinks Lane she will follow up the matter; the Clerk was asked to send her photographs of the breach In the hedge and the CEC complaint reference.


7.1 Current Financial position Council NOTED the monthly financial summary and reserves balance.

7.2 New payments Council AUTHORISED payment of the items on the schedule together with the following payment:
• Northwich Glass Ltd – payment of 50% for replacement of VH windows £532.72 incl. VAT


8.1 Update on Planning Applications Members NOTED the Planning update that was tabled.
• 22/1820M PA for building to store agricultural equipment – land north of Park Lane – members expressed concern at the size of the building in relation to the size of this landholding; the operation of an agricultural contracting business from such a building would constitute an unacceptable increase in intensity of use particularly of this proposed access. Members considered that the use could more appropriately be located on a commercial site elsewhere. Members RESOLVED to object to the proposal.
• 22/2021M and 2444M – domestic extensions – members asked that CEC be requested to ensure that any neighbours’ comments are taken into account.

8.2 Neighbourhood Plan

The report was NOTED. Cllr Bold added that in trying to fill the vacant resident’s position on the NP Steering Group she had contacted all the persons who had previously expressed willingness to join the Group; she has had responses from 3 of those persons who said that they did not now wish to be involved. If such a response is received from others who have been contacted, the Council will have to decide how to move forward. Cllr Bold had also attended an excellent NP briefing organised by NALC – she will circulate the notes to members.


9.1 Knutsford Memorial Hospital The report was NOTED.

9.2 Erection of village boundary signs Cllr Bold reported on some information re the pricing of such signs, with the idea of fixing a new sign on the existing posts. She will report more fully to the September meeting. The report was NOTED.

9.3 HS2B The report was NOTED and it was AGREED that delegated powers be granted to the working group to submit representations to the local authorities, HS2 Ltd and Parliament, and that the working group should include any other member who feels able to contribute. It was AGREED that E McVey MP should be asked to reinforce the Parish Council’s objections to the scheme, and that her support to date should be acknowledged.

Cllr Read entered the meeting and took the Chair.

9.4 Hynet Hydrogen Pipeline In NOTING the communication from the pipeline company, members RESOLVED that the company be invited to attend the Council meeting on 6th September to permit a public presentation of the proposals at 7.00 p.m., with the Council meeting following.

9.5 Provision of mobile phone for Clerk It was AGREED that options should be explored and there should be a report back to Council in due course.

9.6 Asset Maintenance Programme The report was NOTED; a further report will be submitted to the September meeting.

9.7 Resolution to exclude the public Council RESOLVED that members of the public should be asked to leave the meeting at this point to enable discussion of confidential matters.


10. Ash Waste Services Contract Members RESOLVED to renew the contract with Ash Waste Services for the provision of a refuse bin at the IROS.

The meeting closed at 8.20 p.m.