Date: Thursday 5th October 2023
Time: 8.00 pm
Venue: Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JP
Members of the Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out in the agenda.
Signed: A Riley – Clerk to the Council
- To receive apologies for absence
- Procedural matters
2.1 To approve and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2023.
2.2 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 5th September 2023.
2.3 Update on action list from the Chairman.
- Declaration of Interests To provide an opportunity for members to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest in relation to any item on the Agenda.
- Public forum
Members of the public may normally ask a question or make a comment regarding any item that is on the meeting agenda. (A total of 3 minutes is normally allocated for each member of the public wishing to speak, limited to 15 minutes in all. The decision on the time allocated to each topic rests with the meeting chairperson. Advice as to other means of raising matters with the Parish Council or commenting can be found on the Council’s website.)
- Report from Police
Please see report.
- Report from CE Cllr K Parkinson re Cheshire East Council matters
Please see report.
- Finance
7.1 To note current financial position (see monthly summary).
7.2 To note, approve or authorise new payments (see schedule).
7.3 To note the completion of the external audit and to note the contents of the report. To agree to pay PKF Littlejohn £210.00.
7.4 To agree to vire amounts from reserves and note reserves balances.
- Planning matters
8.1 To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters (please click on application number to access details online)
22/1820M Land North of Park Lane – Appeal against refusal of application
Building for storage of agricultural machinery and produce
23/3381M 2 The Orchards – Householder
Construction of single storey extension with associated internal alterations.
23/3670D Pickmere Hall Farm – Discharge of conditions
Discharge of conditions 3, 4 and 5 on application 19/5562M
8.2 To note the feedback from Cheshire East concerning Spinks Lane and Land off Frog Lane
Spinks Lane
I can confirm that officers are currently considering the position in relation to this site having regard to the adoption of the Site Allocations and Development Polices Document (SADPD). This, amongst other material considerations, will inform any decision which the Council make in relation to whether or not further action is considered to be expedient at this point in time.” Principle Planning Officer Enforcement.
- Reports from Clerk and from Councillors
9.1 To adopt a Volunteer Policy
The Council to adopt a volunteer policy and to ensure that volunteers complete any necessary paperwork.
9.2 To consider planting a wildflower area next to the lake – Cllr J Henderson
To consider clearing the overgrown vegetation between Jacob’s Way and the lake. The area is unsightly and is often used by visitors to discard rubbish. Clearing the area and seeding with wildflowers in a patch work design would improve this aspect of the lake.
A survey has been conducted by a Wilders Community Officer and they have proposed the following:
Clearing the area: £530 for two days work or alternatively this could be undertaken by volunteers.
Rotavating and seeding: £567, this could fluctuate between £500 and £600 depending on the amount of seed needed.
Planting would need to take place around March and then the area would need to be protected for about 3 months to allow the flowers to become established. The seeds planted would be perennial so no further planting should be required. A budget of £200 would be required to provide signs and barriers.
9.3 Pickmere Press – Cllr E Campbell
The Parish Council has been made aware that the Pickmere Press will cease to be published at the end of the year:
As we’re finally due to move house and away from Pickmere in the next few weeks it unfortunately isn’t possible to go ahead with the September Pickmere Press as scheduled – apologies for any inconvenience as a result. Instead, I will create one more issue this year – dates to be confirmed, but likely a copy deadline in mid to late October with a view to distribution in early November. After 15 years or so of producing the Pickmere Press newsletter it’ll then be time for me to step away
To discuss the options to continue with a village newsletter.
9.4 To consider repairs and replacement of benches – Cllr A Knights
To discuss repairing the bench at the bus stop (Knutsford direction) at a cost of £290.
To consider the options for the replacement of the bench on the Northwich side which is too damaged to repair and to consider installing a bus shelter on the Northwich side.
Recycled material benches start at around £450; installation would be approximately £600 and bus shelters costs start from £1,500.
9.5 To resolve to PAT Test electrical equipment and to agree that annual fire extinguishers checks are undertaken– Cllr A Knights
To discuss the option to accept a quote of £100 to PAT test electrical equipment in the Village Hall and Turton Pavilion.
To agree to service the fire extinguishers in the Village Hall and Turton Pavilion.
9.6 To consider opting into Cheshire East’s subscription plan for green bin collections from January 2024 – Cllr P Knights
Cheshire East are introducing a subscription service running from January to December 2024 for collection of green bins. Each bin will cost £56 per year. To consider purchasing this service for the Village Hall.
9.7 To consider an application for a grant from SSAFA, The Armed Forces Charity – Clerk
An application for a donation has been made from SSAFA, The Armed Forces Charity.
9.8 To consider undertaking a spring clean in the Village Hall with volunteers – Cllr A Knights
After removing some of the items on the stage area to make use of the space it is evident that there has been some rodent activity and the general appearance of the hall indicates a need for cleaning as it is now being used more frequently.
The toilets and kitchen area are cleaned regularly under contract. A suggested programme for additional cleaning has been drawn up.
The external area also requires further weeding, tree trimming, gutter clearing, cleaning and bulb planting.
To consider arranging the project by asking the Clerk to outline the works, provide a risk assessment and ensure that all volunteers have signed relevant forms. To delegate a budget of £50 to the Clerk to purchase materials in agreement with Cllr A Knights.
9.9 To note the Pickmere Lake Water Safety Partnership Site Visit Report – Cllr J Henderson and Cllr C Hart
To note the contents of the report from a site visit on 8th September 2023.
9.10 To discuss arranging a volunteer project to paint the Cheshire Railings at the top of Clover Drive – Cllr J Henderson
The Cheshire railings require rubbing down and repainting. A number of people from the village have offered to help. A project lead by Cllr J Henderson would require a budget of £150 to cover materials.
To consider arranging the project by asking the Clerk to outline the works, provide a risk assessment and ensure that all volunteers have signed relevant forms. To delegate a budget of £150 to the Clerk to purchase materials in agreement with Cllr J Henderson.
9.11 To agree the revised Terms of Reference for the Pickmere Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Cllr A Knights
A new Neighbourhood Working Group has been created to finish the draft plan, as a result the terms of reference have been updated. To agree the terms of reference and to delegate a budget of £250 to the Clerk to pay for stationery for the group in agreement with Cllr A Knights. All other expenditure including contractors’ fees, reference material over £100 and miscellaneous items to be referred to the Full Council.
9.12 To discuss the application to hold a Christmas Event on Parish Council land – Clerk
A request to hold a Christmas event, which will include stalls and the sale of food, on Sunday 26th November on the two pieces of land at the top of Clover Drive has been received. The event will be in addition to the stalls held with resident’s gardens and the organiser will supply an event plan, risk assessment and copy of their insurance.
9.13 To consider applying to Electrical Safety First Grants – Cllr E Campbell
To apply for a grant to undertake electrical safety surveys within Pickmere. The deadline for the application is 22 October 2023 and grants of up to £5,000 may be applied for.
9.14 To discuss the erosion of the bank of the lake and to consider repairing the area – Cllr J Henderson
To discuss repairs to the lake bank to remedy the current erosion.
Quote A: boulders and backfill area £850.00 plus VAT
Quote B: gabion baskets £4,500 plus VAT
9.15 To consider charging for parking on Parish Council land at the lake – Cllr J Henderson and Cllr C Hart
To discuss moving forward with the proposal to charge for the parking spaces at the lake. This could be undertaken by a private company with no cost to the Parish Council. 10% of the parking charges would be paid to the Parish Council.
9.16 To agree to have an annual maintenance inspection of the playground – Cllr A Knights
To discuss future plans for the playground – Cllr J Henderson
The annual inspection of the playground is due. Quotes will be available at the meeting.
A playground equipment manufacturer has provided plans and ideas for the playground. To discuss updating the equipment and drawing up a programme for the playground.
- To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press.