Date: Tuesday 5th September 2023
Time: 7.30 pm
Venue: Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JP
Members of the Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out in the agenda.
Signed: A Riley – Clerk to the Council
- To receive apologies for absence
- Procedural matters
2.1 To approve and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 1st August 2023
2.2 Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 1st August 2023
2.3 Update on action list by the Chairman
- Declaration of Interests To provide an opportunity for members to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest in relation to any item on the Agenda.
- Public forum
Members of the public may normally ask a question or make a comment regarding any item that is on the meeting agenda. (A total of 3 minutes is normally allocated for each member of the public wishing to speak, limited to 15 minutes in all. The decision on the time allocated to each topic rests with the meeting chairperson. Advice as to other means of raising matters with the Parish Council or commenting can be found on the Council’s website.)
- Report from Police
- Report from CE Cllr K Parkinson re Cheshire East Council matters
- Finance
7.1 To note current financial position (see monthly summary and reserves balance)
7.2 To note, approve or authorise new payments (see schedule)
7.3 To remove the previous Clerk from the Unity Bank Account and to add new Clerk’s details.
7.4 To retrospectively agree to the payment of £60 for an emergency repair to the Village Hall roof
- Planning matters
8.1 To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters (see update note)
- Reports from Clerk and from Councillors
9.1 To adopt the General Power of Competence
9.2 To consider revised Cheshire East Council Code of Conduct
9.3 Request from Pickmere Neighbourhood Watch for grant to purchase signs
9.4 To consider energy providers for the Village Hall – Cllr P Knights
9.5 To consider installing wi-fi at the Village Hall – Cllr E Campbell
9.6 To consider rental fees for Village Hall hire – Cllr L Marshall
9.7 To accept the quote from Hiscox Insurance Company Ltd to provide Community Insurance with effect from 1st October 2023 at a cost of £2,083.77
9.8 To note update re HS2 AP2 petition process and to consider the working group structure for the future – Cllr N Greenwood
9.9 To note the feedback from the initial Knutsford Area Parishes forum
9.10 To discuss the feedback about possible parking measures at the IROS
9.11 To consider increasing the ‘Training for Councillors’ budget – Cllr L Marshall
9.12 To discuss the option of holding or supporting a Christmas Fair in December 2023 – Cllr L Marshall
9.13 To consider delegating the function to apply for grants for the Neighbourhood Plan to the Clerk and Cllr A Knights.
- To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press.