1st March 2022
1.1 Present: Councillors Read (Chair), Bold, Carson, Dobson, Shore, Tarrant, Apologies: Councillor Flannery, CEC Cllr K Parkinson, PCSO
Public: 2 persons
2.1 Approval of Minutes The minutes of the council meeting of 1st February 2022 were AGREED.
2.2 Matters arising 5. Report from PCSO The Clerk reported the PCSO’s response that there may be differences between the information on crimes in the parish that she reported and information on the Police.UK website because they used different databases.
9.8 Questionnaire re parking The Clerk confirmed that he had written to CEC to make reference to the survey and to request again a dialogue about parking issues in the village.
9.2 Asset Maintenance Programme Cllr Tarrant suggested that it may be worth contacting the group ‘Men in sheds’ based in Hartford to explore whether the group could help with some of the repair issues required. It was AGREED that he would contact the group.
4. PUBLIC FORUM A resident made a comment about a missing bench at the IROS. This point was to be discussed at item 9.11 below.
5. REPORT FROM PCSO The PCSO had emailed to say that there had been no crimes reported in the parish in the previous month.
6. REPORT FROM CLLR K PARKINSON Cllr Parkinson (KP) had unfortunately tested positive for Covid today and could not attend. She had sent a report which include the following:
• If we received no early contact from CEC Highways following Cllr Read’s statement to CEC earlier this week (see item 9.4 below), then she would follow up the matter.
• Highway problems – School Lane is being put forward for level 3 resurfacing; Hall Lane is also under some consideration for repair. She is pursuing these items.
• Sunnyside/Meadowcroft – she awaits an update from CEC Planning on this and whether CEC will now pursue enforcement action.
The Chair wished to record his thanks to Cllr Parkinson for her support for his comments at the recent CEC meeting.
Cllr Shore suggested that it may be appropriate now to write again to CEC (cc to KP and E. McVey MP) to remind them of CEC’s commitment that that resolution of the Spinks Lane problem would be a high priority when CEC have identified an appropriate permanent site.
Cllr Tarrant referred to CEC’s inaction with regard to potholes and made reference to two serious ones at Pickmere Lane, one near the Tabley boundary, the other near the Wincham boundary. These have been reported several times to CEC. Residents are advised to complain to CEC should they experience tyre problems having hit these potholes.
7.1 Current financial position The monthly financial and reserves summaries were noted.
7.3 New payments The schedule of payments was AGREED.
8.1 Planning application update The schedule was noted. In respect of 22/0514M, Council wished to remind CEC to take into account any views of adjoining occupiers.
8.2 Neighbourhood Plan Update Over 200 responses had been received in respect of the initial parish-wide survey. These are being analysed by the Steering Group (SG) at present. Results will be reported at the 2 launch events on the 19th and 22nd March. It was AGREED that the analysis of the results will be reported to members via the Clerk in advance of the NP launches. Further, more targeted, surveys may be planned in due course.
An informal joint briefing with the wider group of residents who originally expressed an interest in the NP process has been held. The SG is currently considering commissioning an ecology study and the identification of the potential policies that the NP will contain is also receiving initial consideration. The Group is to set up a Facebook page for the NP. It has been looking at maximising opportunities to communicate information to residents and fully appreciates that this must include both internet-based methods and also the use of noticeboards, flyers etc for those who do not have the internet.
9.1 Potential co-option of 8th councillor The Clerk reported that although there had been interest from a small number of residents, no applications for co-option had been received. It was AGREED that the matter should be brought back to Council in due course and that in the time it should be suggested to anyone expressing interest that they might attend to observe a Council meeting so as to inform them of how it operates.
9.2 Asset Maintenance Programme The report was noted.
9.3 Potential projects for Village Hall and/or Pavilion A meeting of the working group had not yet been held [a meeting date was arranged after the Council meeting.]
9.4 Parish Council speaker at CEC Council meeting The Chair reported on his attendance at Cheshire East’s full council meeting. This had been reported in the local press. It was AGREED that if there had been no response from CEC Highways by 11 March then a further letter should be sent [also see Item 6 above.].
9.5 Need for further survey of Council trees The Clerk is in contact with the tree consultant on this matter.
9.6 HS2 – Hybrid Bill The Clerk and Cllr Tarrant reported on the substantial work that was being undertaken in respect of the drafting of objections to Esther McVey MP, on the project’s Environmental Assessment, and also in respect of the proposed petitioning of Parliament. Council AGREED to delegate powers to the working group comprising Cllrs Flannery and Tarrant, in association with the Chair and Clerk, to submit representations on the HS2B project to the local MP, HS2B Ltd (or its proxies), and Parliament.
9.7 Play Area Refurbishment Two potential quotations have been received for fundamental refurbishment of the play area; the working group is considering how to move forward, and in particular how to seek residents’ feedback on the options that were presented.
9.8 Freedom Fibre – Full fibre broadband in Pickmere The report was noted.
9.9 Covid protocols for the Village Hall Members AGREED that in the light of recent Government decisions, Council would not impose any further Covid provisions for users of the Village Hall but would request users to be considerate in relation to others and in particular not to attend the Hall if within the last 5 days they had tested positive for Covid; the taking of a lateral flow test prior to attending the Hall would be desirable; attendees would also be free to wear a face covering should they wish.
9.10 Installation of broadband at the Village Hall The report was noted.
9.11 Request for memorial bench near the Lake Members AGREED that there was one potential location for such a bench, following the removal of one that was damaged. The Clerk was asked to contact anyone who had previously been refused permission to provide such a bench to say that a space was now available, with the new request taking its turn. There was discussion about the existing picnic benches and the fact that visitors frequently move them around the IROS, risking damaging them. The Clerk was asked to explore the possibility of fixing the benches so that they could not be moved.
9.12 Second Consultation – Constituency Boundary Review The report was noted but no further comments are to be submitted.
9.13 Resolution to exclude the public Council resolved that members of the public should be asked to leave the meeting at this point to enable discussion of confidential matters.
10.1 Cleaning of moss from the pavilion roof Members AGREED that the Clerk should commission such works up to a cost of £500 should an appropriate quotation be received.
The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.