
Minutes 30th November 2023

November 2023 Uploaded on December 8, 2023

 Council Minutes 231130


held at 8.00pm on Thursday 30th November 2023

at Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, Pickmere



  1. Attendance

Present               *          Cllr E Campbell      (Chairman)
Cllr C Hart               (Vice Chairman)

*          Cllr N Greenwood
*          Cllr J Henderson

*          Cllr A Knights

*          Cllr P Knights

*          Cllr L Marshall

*         Cllr S Read


*          denotes attendance


Clerk                                Mrs A Riley

Public                             None

Apologies                       Cllr C Hart, PC John Milman (Police representative), CE Cllr K Hague




2.1      Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 7th November 2023 were AGREED.


2.2      Matters arising from minutes
Item 9.2 Cllr A Knights asked that it be minuted that members of the public would be involved in the working group to produce a Village Hall Repair Plan.


2.3      Update on Council’s actions
The Chairman reported on the action list. Approximately 39 of the 104 actions were open and the Chairman asked Councillors to send information on any completed items.






  1. REPORT FROM Police Officer


    Appendix 1. Cllr K Hague advised the Parish Council to respond to the Green Spaces Survey.




7.1      To note current financial position.

The monthly statement and payments were NOTED.


Opening Balance:                74,250.24

Expenditure                             2,213.31

Income                                        146.00

Unrepresented                         572.90

Closing Balance                  72,755.83           


7.2      To note, approve or authorise new payments.

The following payments were AGREED.
Compec                                 Electrical Safety Certificate                         £240.00

Northwich Heating             Boiler repair                                                    £150.00

Barlows                                  PAT testing                                                      £66.00

Opus                                       Pickmere Press                                               £20.00


7.3      To note the NALC revised cost of living salary scale for the Clerk for 2023/24 together with the amount backdated to August
The Council NOTED the pay award and backpay.


7.4      To discuss and set the precept for 2024/25
The Council RESOLVED to set the precept for 2024/25 at £17,998. An increase of £5.95 for a
band D property.




8.1      To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters


23/4148M Goldstone, Pickmere Lane WA16 0JP   

Ouline Planning – a similar sized house to the south of Goldstone to fill in the vacant land currently used as a large garden.

The application was NOTED and there were no objections.


23/3891M Existing barn off Spinks Lane,

The Council NOTED the correspondence from the applicant.



9.1      To discuss changing the Community and Assets Committee to a Working Group – Cllr P Knights

A discussion took place about the merits of a committee or working group structure. It was AGREED that the Clerk would put together draft terms of reference for the group and that the item should be deferred until these are completed. The committee structure will remain in situ for the present time.

9.2      To receive an update on the Pickmere Christmas Market – Cllr L Marshall

            Cllr L Marshall spoke to the Council and explained that the day had been a success and that around £1,000 had been raised for charity. A short discussion took place about the parking on the day.
9.3      To resolve to buy an undercounter fridge for the Village Hall – Cllr L Marshall
It was AGREED that a fridge would be purchased using the funds delegated to Cllr L Marshall.



9.4      To agree the revised terms of reference for the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Cllr A Knights
The revised terms of reference were AGREED. It was NOTED that the terms of reference include advertising any meetings three clear days before the date on the Parish Council website and providing feedback after each meeting.


9.5      To consider the replacement of a bench – Cllr A Knights

            It was RESOLVED to purchase and install a replacement bench at a total cost to the Council of £268.25. The additional £500.00 costs to be met by a donation from Pickmere Community Group.


The Chairman expressed the Council’s appreciation of the donation.


9.6      To discuss and respond to Cheshire East’s Strategic Leisure Review – Clerk

            It was AGREED that Cllr P Knights would draft a response for the Parish Council to be submitted by the Clerk.


9.7      To discuss charging for use of the IROS and land at Clover Drive – Cllr E Campbell and Cllr C Hart

            This item was deferred to the next meeting to allow the Clerk to research insurance requirements.


9.8      To discuss the offer of a donation from the Pickmere Photographic Society to fund a new interpretation board – Cllr E Campbell

            It was AGREED that the Clerk should progress matters and report back.


9.9      To discuss holding an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day in 2024 – Cllr E Campbell and Cllr L Marshall

            It was AGREED that the Parish Council will hold an event on either the weekend of 1st/2nd June or 8th/9th June 2024.


9.10    To discuss the events that the Community Group would like to hold in 2024 – Cllr S Read

Easter Bunny – Easter Sunday 31st March
Party By The Lake – Saturday 29th June
Funday – Sunday 1st September
Father Christmas – Wednesday 18th December
Giving tree in December

The Community Group are also looking at the prospect of reintroducing Teas By The Lake.

The Council NOTED the dates and AGREED to allow the Community Group to hold the Easter
Event on Council land without charge.


The meeting closed at 9.55pm.










Email from Cheshire East Councillor Kate Hague

The CEC green space review has been extended until January 2024.

It is imperative that Parish councils and residents comment on this consultation.

This situation is rather dire as CEC are now looking at ways to cut more costs. The consultation,  I personally feel, is a box ticking exercise that reviews your feedback. But unfortunately, the decision to cut the budget for green space maintenance in CEC has already been agreed behind closed doors, the same as most decision in the past 5 years..

CEC are asking town and Parish councils to take over a large portion of the maintenance for their areas.

Therefore, road sweeping etc, may be a Parish Council outgoing, so I am urging all cllrs in my Ward to set their precept accordingly for the next financial year, including anticipation inflation of services.

Please comment regardless of whether you feel this affects you or not, as CEC need to understand that it is unfair and unacceptable that services are being cut, yet residents of the borough are asked to pay more for less.