held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 6th February 2024
at Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, Pickmere
- Attendance
Present * Cllr E Campbell (Chairman)
* Cllr C Hart (Vice Chairman)
* Cllr N Greenwood
* Cllr J Henderson
* Cllr A Knights
* Cllr P Knights
* Cllr L Marshall
* Cllr S Read
* denotes attendance
Clerk Mrs A Riley
Public 6 members
Apologies None
2.1 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 30th November 2023 were AGREED and signed.
2.2 Matters arising from minutes
2.3 Update on Council’s actions
The Chair reported that the log would be distributed as soon as possible after the meeting.
A member of the public updated the council on the newly formed Social Events Group and its hopes for the future. The next meeting of the group is open to all residents and will be held in the Red Lion on Monday 26th February 2024. The Chairman thanked the resident for the information.
Another resident raised concerns about the issue of charging for the parking by the lake. The Chairman thanked the resident for their input.
- REPORT FROM Police Officer
No police representative was present but PC Milman had reported that activity in Pickmere had been minimal.
Cllr Hague reported the following:
- The potholes on Frog Lane have been reported.
- A decision on grit bins will be made between April and September and requests for additional bins should be forwarded to Cllr Hague. A request for Orchard Way has already been submitted and a discussion took place about other suitable areas. The Clerk to forward pictures and details of the most suitable location.
- The railings by the bus stop are protruding and rusty but Cheshire East are unable to fund repairs at the moment. The damage will be assessed at a future date.
- The damage to the wall at The Orchards has not yet been repaired. The Clerk to forward pictures to Cllr Hague.
- The Conservative Group are unhappy with the vote to charge for green bins and are contesting the decision.
7.1 Current Financial position
The summary report showing receipts of £508.00 and expenditure of £2,755.43 (to 31st December 2024) was NOTED.
7.2 New payments
The Council RESOLVED to make the following payments:
Cestrian Trees £200.00 Works to tree damaged in storms
Cestrian Trees £150.00 Works to trees damaged in storms
P Knights £15.99 Flashing for temporary roof repair
7.3 Deposit Account
It was RESOLVED to open an instant access deposit account with Unity Bank and to transfer an initial sum of £50,000.
8.1 Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – 17th January 2024
The minutes were NOTED. The Clerk to distribute the Cheshire Wildlife Trust Plan as requested.
8.2 Village Hall Refurbishment Working Group – 24th January 2024
The minutes were NOTED and the Terms of Reference were AGREED.
9.1 To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters
24/0003M Meadowcroft, Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JH
Lawful Development Certificate – single storey extensions to side
The application was noted and no comments were made.
23/4693M 14 Wellfield Close, Pickmere, WA16 0LW
Construction of new rear extension
The application was noted and the Clerk was asked to make comments that residents’ views should be considered.
10.1 To agree and adopt the Diversity Policy
Public authorities who operate in England must consider what they can do to conserve and enhance biodiversity in England. This is the strengthened ‘biodiversity duty’ that the Environment Act 2021 introduces.
It was AGREED to adopt the Diversity policy (appendix 1).
10.2 To resolve to continue with British Gas Lite as the supplier of electricity at Turton Pavilion
It was RESOLVED to renew the electricity contract with British Gas Lite at the Turton Pavilion for 12 months based on the following:
Current New Contract
Standing charge/daily 40.00p 40.00p
KWh 88.85p 30.93p
10.3 To discuss the need to replace the roof on the Village Hall
It was AGREED that more quotes would be required before a decision could be made.
10.4 To consider the purchase of two dehumidifier units for the Village Hall
It was RESOLVED to purchase a dehumidifier and a cost of no more than £200 for the village hall.
10.5 To consider a plan of refurbishment at Clover Drive Playground – Clerk
The playground is over 20 years old and requires most of the items replacing or refurbishing. In addition, the benches on the grassed area are in a poor state. After a discussion it was RESOLVED to accept a quote of £360 to power wash the matting on the play area. It was also RESOLVED to accept a quote of £2,249 to replace the cradle seats on the swing, to repair 2 benches and to repair 2 picnic tables.
Further discussion took place about different methods of funding for the play equipment and it was AGREED that the Clerk would approach local businesses to ask for donations and sponsorship and that a crowdfunding page would be established.
The Clerk to investigate the legal requirements for the entrance to the play area and report back if updates are required.
10.6 To discuss the option of holding a fund raising jumble sale
It was AGREED that a jumble sale would be held on the weekend of 27th April and that all profits would be used to fund repairs to the play area.
10.7 To discuss clearing the pathway from Buttercup Way
A discussion took place and the Clerk was asked to provide further details on works that would be required to tidy up the pathway.
10.8 To receive feedback from the meeting held on 6th December 2023 with the Police & Crime Commissioner. To allow future meetings to be held at the village hall without any charge.
Cllr N Greenwood agreed to distribute notes from the meeting. The following notes were received from the Police and Crime Commissioner:
- John Dwyer to speak to Mike Gatley and Phil Gately separately re: ownership of land beside the lake and any actions to prevent the use of his field for ASB (Debs May to provide contact details for Mr Gatley)
- Sgt Dan Clarke to find out if a PSPO can be placed on parish council owned land
- Signage to be reviewed in Pickmere (action LA’s)
- Richard Christopherson to raise with CEC H/W that parking bays are NOT the residents’ favoured option; prefer resident parking permits
- Cllr Phil Marshall to ensure CWaC and CEC H/W engineers are talking (double yellow lines)
- Invite Simon Wallace (CEC) and counterpart from CWaC Highways to the next meeting (James Morris to advise contact details for CWaC counterpart)
Cllr N Greenwood emphasised that any solutions to current parking issues would have to ensure that the problem is not pushed into another area of Pickmere or into neighbouring parishes.
It was RESOLVED that all future Police and Crime Commissioner meetings can be held in the village hall without charge.
10.9 To discuss charging for parking at the IROS
A discussion took place about the possibility of charging for carparking at the lake. The Clerk was asked to go back to the parking company to renegotiate specific points.
It was decided that residents should be consulted about the proposed charges.
10.10 To receive the minutes from the Social Events in Pickmere meeting
The minutes were NOTED (appendix 2). It was AGREED that a ‘Party by the Lake’ event would be held by the Social Events Group on 6th July 2024 and that the Parish Council would provide free use of the IROS and pavilion. Any profits from the event will be used to repair or replace equipment at the play area.
Cllr C Hart left the meeting.
10.11 To receive an update on training undertaken in 2023-24
Cllr L Marshall outlined the training undertaken to date and explained that 7 Councillors had completed courses.
10.12 To discuss the date of the next meeting and the date of the Annual Parish
The date of the next two meetings were confirmed as Thursday 7th March and Thursday 7th April at 7:45pm to accommodate other bookings in the village hall.
It was AGREED that Cllr L Marshall and the Clerk would set the date for the Annual Parish Meeting.
10.13 To agree to close the current Facebook page and to open a new page. To decide on admin and admin roles in populating the pages.
As problems have been encountered with admin rights on the current Facebook page it was AGREED to start a new page. The Clerk to be responsible for posting content and Cllr E Campbell and Cllr S Read to monitor comments.
- To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) by reason of the confidential nature of the items of business to be transacted
It was AGREED to exclude members of the public from the remainder of the meeting.
Part 2
- To agree a contribution banding policy for pension contributions
It was RESOLVED to adopt option 1.
- To discuss the Parish Council’s assets
The Clerk was instructed to investigate the proposal and report back.
The meeting closed at 10.00 p.m.