Present – AB, SR, CT, WR, SF
Apologies – SW, LMc, GE
Matters arising – there were no matters arising not covered within the
1. Survey results – WR presented a sample of the charts to be displayed at
the launch events. It was agreed that the resulting data will be expressed
in % format for the launch purposes. It was noted that approximately a
1/3 of the surveys had been received out of 700 approximate initial
surveys sent out which is a good return %. It was agreed that any data
collected from this initial survey which is not relevant to the
Neighbourhood Plan process will be passed to the Parish Council for
possible further consideration during its business.
2. It was agreed by majority vote not to deliver another flyer to advertise the
event. It was subsequently agreed however to produce such a flyer to
include the timeline and further information produced by Lucy Hughes
from Cheshire Community Action for residents to take away with them.
Those flyers will then be onward delivered to all residences in Pickmere
post launch and displayed on village notice boards and perhaps placed in
village venues. It was agreed to produce 200 flyers for the events
themselves and then more if required. AB agreed to draft the flyer and
circulate for comments and then print.
3. It was noted that it was likely there would 13 survey result posters. WR
will arrange to present all the data in a maximum of two chart formats –
whichever suits the data best. The graphics will be presented on A3
posters utilising the display boards available. It was agreed that 2 sets of
posters will be produced for the 2 launches and onward use. It was also
agreed to give a full set of the graphs to each steering group member to
aid discussion. It was agreed that CT would present 6/7 relevant
photographs of village views surrounded by a series of “speech bubbles”
which AB and SF agreed to fill them with the top 10 recurring comments
received for this specific purpose but that all comments would be
available for residents to view. WR agreed to send the data to a local
printer following the receipt of a quote for such posters.
4. AB agreed to get costings for vinyl banners for two ends of the village on
the Cheshire railings advertising the launches and to circulate the costs
before a final decision is made. AB agreed to get a van to move the display
panels on the day of the launch. CT noted we have the large map already
produced and other posters as well. SR confirmed the potential costs for
the refreshments for the Red Lion launch and accompanying pastries. AB
confirmed that the refreshments were in hand for the VH launch. It was
agreed receipts would be provided for all purchases. It was agreed that SR
and AB would claim back for any expenses after the events. Other
expenses such as paper and printing inks were also discussed. AB
confirmed that at the moment she did not need resources but that she
would keep reviewing it. It was agreed that SR would meet and greet all
attendees at the launches and that the SG members would be on hand to
discuss the posters and data. A pre launch meeting time for the SG was
agreed. It was agreed that all SG members would wear their badges. SR
agreed to send a new image of each badge to the relevant individual.
Discussion was held about the SG’s responses to questions about non
relevant NP questions in the initial survey. It was agreed it was not the
appropriate forum for such discussions but to tell anyone who asked that
all comments would be presented to the PC for possible future
consideration and that the initial survey was an opportunity to engage
with residents and see what issues were most important.
5. Finance – nothing to report other than the above or below.
6. AOB
a. It was agreed to appoint Cheshire Wildlife Trust as the partner for
the ecology survey. SF to contact to ask for pro forma invoice for
b. WR and SF agreed to start to draft a communications strategy for
the NP SG to bring back to the group for further discussion.
c. Discussion was held about circulating the information received
from Lucy Hughes of CMA to the wider group. AB agreed to
circulate the draft information to the wider group asap, following
slight amendments to the SG’s own accompanying email to LH’s
d. Brief discussion was had about further involvement of the wider
group in future SG events but nothing specific was agreed.
e. SR had proposed setting up a new FB page but it was decided that
this would be delayed until after the launches later in March.