Although the form of the Village Hall is not helpful to this aim, the Councillors’ Surgery is intended to be a forum where individual residents of Pickmere can speak on a one-to-one basis with a Parish Councillor about a matter of concern. As such it is essentially intended to be a private conversation, with the Councillor’s role either being to note the resident’s concern or to pass it on to the full Council or the Clerk depending on the question being raised or the comment being made. The surgery is not a small public meeting in disguise.
On this basis, individuals who wish to speak to a councillor at our Surgeries will be able to do so only on a one-to-one basis, with no recording being permitted. Residents will be permitted entry to the Hall to do this one-by-one and not as any form of group, and those waiting to enter will be asked to remain outside until a space is available.
As the Parish Council meeting will commence at 7.30 p.m., the time available for the Surgery will be restricted to 20-25 minutes, with persons allowed to enter for the Parish Council meeting at 7.25 p.m.