MINUTES of the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING for the PARISH of PICKMERE held in Pickmere Village Hall on the 6th June 2023 at 6.00pm.
Present: Clr Ewan Campbell (Chair), PC John Milman and approximately 20 Residents were present.
1 Welcome
The Chair welcomed the attendees to the 2023 Parish Meeting and apologised that the meeting was held late this year.
2 Apologies
No Apologies were received
3 Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were made
4 Minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting
The minutes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 29NOV23 were approved
5 Chairman’s Report
The Chair reported the following highlights for May 2022 to May23.
1) Improvements have been made to the village hall in terms of windows and lighting
2) Pickmere representatives are invited to appear before the HS2 Select Committee
3) Neighbourhood Policing team assigned to Pickmere in October after a Summer with no support
4) Parish Meeting held in November which demonstrated engagement of the Parish
5) Parish Poll held in February excellent turn out
6) Warm Space initiative began in Pickmere Village Hall
7) Village had a Coronation Picnic Event on the IROS. Well done to the organiser and great for the village community spirit
8) Contested election in May which had a good turn out and demonstrated the engagement of the village
6 Public Forum An opportunity for members of the public to comment.
6.1 The Chair outlined that we will meet many challenges in the coming year. The top priority doe the council is the issues with Lake visitors. Although the chair reminded the residents that this is a problem we all need to help with. Making Progress on agenda items is important this year so as council meetings have an output that residents can see. Finally, continued engagement with the village is also a council priority.
6.2 A resident asked if we could get environmental health involved with the human waste being left on the Councils Private Land at the Lake. They also enquired if alcohol could be banned from the lake.
6.3 A resident suggest we employ a warden to enforce the rules especially the no BBQ rule. They wondered if the Cheshire Fire service would come down at a weekend to talk to people about the risks of having disposal BBQs at the lake. Coals have been tipped out, the have been lit on wooded benches, thrown into the late and put into the bins while still hot. It was suggested a specific NO BBQ sign was placed.
6.4 A resident suggested the issue may be people thing it is public land and do not realise it’s private land so a sign is needed and also footpath sign is required.
6.5 A resident suggested picture signs showing what was banned rather than words as they may be more effective
6.6 A resident suggested building brick BBQs at the lake to reduce the risk. Another resident suggested that is fine until they are all being used and at Marbury their tables have also been burnt and they have brick BBQs
6.7 The Cheshire Police Representative gave the following update. Knutsford neighbourhood team should consist of 7 officers a sergeant, 3 PC and 3 PCSOs. Currently on 4/7 posts filled and the Sergeant recently retired. May 2023 18 reports were lodged 1 missing child, domestic report, report of theft, 1 fight in area, 27MAY23 -10 incidents at the lake. 11 tickets issued for Parking. Plain clothes officers attended in plain clothes and were dealt with using out of court disposals. Drugs, cocaine and cannabis, at the lake is a police issue and they will deal with this issue. People are coming from a long distance to the lake. 2 days there were parking issues one the Police did not have resources to respond. The other day a PC from Northwich attended and issued Parking tickets. Residents who suspect Drink or Drug driving should contact the police via 999. For non-immediate risks residents should take photos and email to the Police. John.Milman@cheshire.police.uk. Criminal behaviour orders can be obtained for repeat offenders but this is a difficult process. The police can use dispersal orders but these are difficult to obtain. For parking tickets cannot be issued from photos but for other offences the info is important.
6.8 The Chair mentioned that he has a meeting scheduled with the Police and Crime Commissioner.
6.9 A resident mentioned that when Police and PCSOs attend from Northwich and sometimes Chester they complain to residents that this is not their “patch” and they shouldn’t be there even thought they are Cheshire Police. Also when offences were reported to PCSOs they responded that they would need to be reported. Residents thought that they were reporting to the officers.
6.10 A resident mentioned that there is also an uplift in shoplifting from the SPAR on sunny days.
6.11 A resident raised a question on planning. The PPC has no statutory powers they are only informed. Cheshire East planning will need to deal with the issues raised. It was suggested that the resident wrote to their CEC representative Kate Parkinson and our MP Esther McVey.
6.12 A resident raised the issue of the use of pesticides killing wild flowers put in by the residents.
6.13 A resident raised the issue of grass growing out of roads and gutters. This was done by CEC but has not been sprayed for years.