
7 Feb 2023 8.4 Appx – NP Working Group minutes 230124

February 2023 Uploaded on February 2, 2023

Minutes of the NP working group meeting 24th January 2023
Pickmere Village Hall 7.30pm
Present – Chris Tarrant, Alison Bold, Gavin Erlam, Sarah Flannery, Simon Read
1. Apologies – none
2. Matters arising – none
3. Finance – GE reported on the figures he had received to bring the
spreadsheet up to date. AB agreed to ask the Parish Council Clerk for any
further figures to be sent to GE so that a final balance sheet can be
produced for submission to the PC. AB to confirm to GE the amount of the
NP grant that was returned to CE for the spreadsheet. AB confirmed a
small further £60 invoice for the production of the 3 wire bound copies of
the report from Cheshire Wildlife Trust for future use.
4. History report – this has been produced and will form part of the final NP
document. It has been sent to Lucy Hughes for consideration and she has
a made a few amends. The full (un-amended document will be published
on the PC website as soon as possible.
5. Cheshire Wildlife Trust report – this has been received and has been
circulated to all members for comment. AB to contact CWT to see about
the reproduction of the maps – any licenses needed etc? It was noted this
report has also been sent to Lucy Hughes for comment.
6. Resident members – it was noted that 2 other resident members had left
the working group for a variety of reason and discussion was had about
how to encourage new resident members to join as per the directive from
the PC to redress the balance between resident and PC members. It was
agreed to make direct approaches to any interested parties and to release
NP information already gathered to try and encourage other residents to
take on specific named policies again to encourage participation.
7. AOB
a. It was agreed to contact LH with the agreed policies for the
Pickmere NP and to allow her to start to write the policies, ask for
further detail on some of the terms and advise the WG what
further evidence is required to allow the policies to further
develop/emerge. LH to be paid from the reserves set aside by the
b. SR reported that he is currently exploring all footpaths in
Pickmere to create a record including stiles and gates
c. Comment was made about a potential policy for the economy in
the village and the boom in home working and how to capture (if
required) that data that may be important for considerations
around broadband provision
d. It was agreed that the next working group meeting will be one
where residents are involved and is to be held along the same lines
as the last one as in a Q & A, with Gavin Erlam as Chair on the 14th
March at 7.00pm at the Village Hall. In the meantime the items
above are to be published.
Meeting closed 8.15pm