
Agenda 30th November 2023

November 2023 Uploaded on November 28, 2023


Date:               Thursday 30th November 2023
Time:               8.00 pm
Venue:            Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JP

Members of the Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out in the agenda.

Signed: A Riley – Clerk to the Council



  1. To receive apologies for absence


  1. Procedural matters


2.1      To approve and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2023.

2.2      Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2023.

2.3      Update on action list from the Chairman.


  1. Declaration of Interests    To provide an opportunity for members to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest in relation to any item on the Agenda.


  1. Public forum        
    Members of the public may normally ask a question or make a comment regarding any item that is on the meeting agenda. (A total of 3 minutes is normally allocated for each member of the public wishing to speak, limited to 15 minutes in all.  The decision on the time allocated to each topic rests with the meeting chairperson.  Advice as to other means of raising matters with the Parish Council or commenting can be found on the Council’s website.)


  1. Report from Police

            Please see report.


  1. Report from CE Cllr K Parkinson re Cheshire East Council matters

            Please see report.



  1. Finance


7.1      To note current financial position (see monthly summary).

            Due to the timing of the meeting the figures to the end of the month will be available at meeting and not before.


7.2      To note, approve or authorise new payments (see schedule)


7.3      To note the NALC revised cost of living salary scale for the Clerk for 2023/24 together with the amount backdated to August

7.3      To discuss and set the precept for 2024/25

Forecasted Opening Bal                                     65,916

Income (except precept)                                      1,940

Expenditure                                                            26,098               

Balance without precept                                    41,758


Recommended Precept                                       17,998 15% increase       £5.95 inc per band D

Reserves available                                               59,755

General Contingency                                           13,000 6 months expenditure

Election Costs                                                         2,750

IROS Grass Cutting                                                 2,000

Unforeseen Tree Works                                       1,500

Buildings Reserves                                               30,000

Playground Reserves                                           10,000

Other Reserves                                                           505

Balance                                                                              0


  1. Planning matters


8.1      To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters (please click on application number to access details online)


23/4148M Goldstone, Pickmere Lane WA16 0JP   

Ouline Planning – a similar sized house to the south of Goldstone to fill in the vacant land currently used as a large garden.


23/3891M Existing barn off Spinks Lane,
To note the correspondence from the applicant









  1. Reports from Clerk and from Councillors


9.1      To discuss changing the Community and Assets Committee to a Working Group – Cllr P Knights


9.2      To receive an update on the Pickmere Christmas Market – Cllr L Marshall


9.3      To resolve to buy an undercounter fridge for the Village Hall – Cllr L Marshall
To discuss the provision of an undercounter fridge in the Village Hall to provide an additional service for potential hirers. To also consider making small repairs to the kitchen cabinets when fitting the fridge.


9.4      To agree the revised terms of reference for the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group – Cllr A Knights


9.5      To consider the replacement of a bench – Cllr A Knights

            A quote has been received from a company that has worked for Cheshire East and a donation of £500 has been pledged by Pickmere Community Group.

Total Cost to Council £268.25

9.6      To discuss and respond to Cheshire East’s Strategic Leisure Review – Clerk

9.7      To discuss charging for use of the IROS and land at Clover Drive – Cllr E Campbell and Cllr C Hart


9.8      To discuss the offer of a donation from the Pickmere Photographic Society to fund a new interpretation board – Cllr E Campbell


9.9      To discuss holding an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day in 2024 – Cllr E Campbell and Cllr L Marshall  


9.10    To discuss the events that the Community Group would like to hold in 2024 – Cllr S Read

Easter Bunny – Easter Sunday 31st March
Party By The Lake – Saturday 29th June
Funday – Sunday 1st September
Father Christmas – Wednesday 18th December
Giving tree in December

The Community Group are also looking at the prospect of reintroducing Teas By The Lake.


  1. To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press.