held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7th November 2023
at Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, Pickmere
- Attendance
Present * Cllr E Campbell (Chairman)
* Cllr C Hart (Vice Chairman)
Cllr N Greenwood
* Cllr J Henderson
* Cllr A Knights
* Cllr P Knights
* Cllr L Marshall
* Cllr S Read
* denotes attendance
Clerk Mrs A Riley
Public 3 members
Apologies Cllr N Greenwood, PC John Milman (Police representative)
2.1 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 5th October 2023 were AGREED.
2.2 Matters arising from minutes
Item 9.11 Terms of Reference for the Neighbourhood Plans Working Group was deferred to 30th November meeting.
2.3 Update on Council’s actions
The Chairman reported on the action list. Approximately 30 of the 92 actions were open and the Chairman asked Councillors to send information on any completed items.
- REPORT FROM Police Officer
The report from PC J Milman was NOTED. The report is shown as an appendix to the minutes.
The Clerk to write and ask why the Police decided not to prosecute the vehicle owner who parked on single yellow lines on The Orchard.
Cllr CE K Parkinson was on holiday.
7.1 To note current financial position (see monthly summary).
The monthly statement and payments were NOTED.
Ref Payee Description Amount £
11-01 John Mills Building Building Works VH 385.00
11-02 Buxton Accounting Payroll Services 12.00
11-03 Chalc Councillor Training 75.00
11-06 British Gas Village Hall – Elec 72.82
11-07 British Gas Pavilion – Elec 54.94
Cleaning V Hall September 84.00
Unity Bank Charges 18.00
11-09 Clerk Mileage Aug to Oct 54.00
DD Cheshire East VH – Rates 54.00
11-04 Cleaning V Hall October 91.00
STO CPRE Subscription 36.00
11-08 Community Buildings Network Subscription 50.00
Water Plus Pavilion 6.17
Water Plus Village Hall 16.28
Smarty Mobiles Mobile 7.00
Ash Waste IROS Waste 15.82
Income Village Hall 126.00
Closing bank balance as at 31 October 2023 74,250.24
7.2 To note, approve or authorise new payments (see schedule).
There were no new payments.
7.3 To note the forecast to March 2024. To discuss and agree budgets for 2024-25.
The Council NOTED the forecast and the Clerk asked for any comments on the figures to be communicated as soon as possible.
The Clerk to provide a budget for 2024-25 for the next meeting.
8.1 To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters
23/3864D Wall Hall Farm, Frog Lane, WA16 0LJ
Discharge of condition 6 on application 23/1590M. Proposed demolition of dilapidated stable building and construction of replacement stables and store.
The application was NOTED.
23/3795 102 Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JP
Removal of existing outbuilding and erection of new stables and menage.
The Council AGREED to object to the application:
- The proposed building would be an overdevelopment of the site.
- The proposed building is in land designated for agricultural use only.
- The land is part of a flood plain and further building could potentially cause problems.
- The junction with Pickmere Lane is not suitable for large vehicles to access/leave.
23/3891M Existing barn off Spinks Lane
Prior approval for change of use from agricultural to a dwelling house.
The Council AGREED to object to the application:
- The applicant has shown no significant need or reason for the proposed change.
Policy RUR: 1 New buildings for agriculture and forestry 1.i it is demonstrated that there is a clear long-term need for the development in connection with the agricultural or forestry enterprise. - The building could be turned into a purely residential building.
Policy RUR:1 New buildings for agriculture and forestry 2. The design of any new building for agriculture or forestry must be appropriate to its intended function and must not be designed to be easily converted to any non-agricultural or forestry use in the future. - The land is in greenbelt.
Policy PG3 Greenbelt: Within the Green Belt, planning permission will not be granted for inappropriate development, except in very special circumstances, in accordance with national policy.
8.2 To note and consider licensing applications
Dubbed Out, Royal Cheshire Showground, Flittogate, WA16 0HJ
NOTICE is hereby given that Dubbed Out Ltd have applied to Cheshire East Council in respect of the premises known as Dubbed Out, Royal Cheshire Showground, Flittogate lane, Tabley, Knutsford, WA16 0HJ for a premises license to provide the following licensable activities:
The Council NOTED the application.
9.1 Meeting with Community Group – Cllr E Campbell and Cllr L Marshall
Cllr E Campbell advised the Council that the Community Group are hoping to continue with their activities and will have a report available for the meeting on 30th November to advise of dates and events for 2024.
The next event will be Carols and Mulled Wine around the Christmas tree on 20th December. The Village Hall has been provisionally booked in case of inclement weather.
The Community Group have offered the use of their crockery, coffee machine, fridge and freezer in the Pavilion to other hirers.
Cllr E Campbell expressed the Parish Council’s wishes to continue working with the Community Group for the benefit of the residents of Pickmere.
9.2 To receive an update on plans for the Village Hall and Turton Pavilion – Cllr L Marshall and Cllr A Knights
Cllr A Knights explained that the spring clean in the Village Hall had been a great success and expressed thanks to everyone who had been involved.
Moving forward Cllr A Knights outlined the plan to apply for grants to help with the refurbish and repair of the Village Hall.
It was AGREED that a Working Group consisting of Cllr A Knights, Cllr P Knights, Cllr L Marshall, Cllr J Henderson and Cllr C Hart would put together a repair and funding plan.
Cllr L Marshall told the Council that bookings were on the increase and that she was discussing opportunities to bring all ability sport activities to the Village Hall. The Pavilion will also be offered as a space that can be hired and it is hoped that increasing the rental income on both buildings will help to offset the rising running costs and maintenance.
Cllr E Campbell thanked both Cllr A Knights and Cllr L Marshall for all the work they are doing.
9.3 To resolve to undertake increased pest control in the Village Hall– Cllr A Knights
The Council RESOLVED to approve the proposal of increased pest control inspections to 8 visits per year at a cost of £500.
The Council RESOLVED To approve the recommendation of proofing of ingress/egress points at a cost of £380.
9.4 Clover Drive Playground Inspections – Cllr P Knights
The Council RESOLVED to appoint RoSPA Play Safety to undertake the annual inspection at Clover Drive Playground and a cost of £78 per annum.
9.5 To consider repairs and replacement of benches – Cllr A Knights
The Council RESOLVED to repair the Knutsford bound bench at a cost of £290.
Cllr A Knights agreed to bring quotes for the installation of a new bench, on the Northwich bound side of the road, to the next meeting.
9.6 To organise keys for access to Parish Council buildings and assets – Clerk
The Council RESOLVED to allocate £250 to allow an audit to be carried out of key holders and to repair or renew broken locks to buildings, gates and storage facilities The allocation to be delegated to the Clerk.
9.7 To update the Council on the Christmas Event – Cllr L Marshall
Cllr L Marshall explained that the Christmas Market planning was going well and that everything was on track. The Turton Pavilion will also be used to provide toilet facilities for attendees.
9.8 To consider approving the live streaming of meetings on Facebook – Cllr E Campbell
The Council AGREED to approve the live streaming of Full Council meetings on Facebook with effect from 30th November 2023.
9.9 To approve Cllr E Campbell representing Pickmere Parish Council at future Police and Crime Commissioner meetings – Cllr E Campbell
The Council AGREED to Cllr E Campbell representing Pickmere Parish Council at future Police and Crime Commissioner meetings and to Cllr N Greenwood being a substitute representation if Cllr E Campbell is unable to attend.
9.10 To discuss charging for use of the IROS and land at Clover Drive – Cllr E Campbell
A discussion took place and Cllr E Campbell agreed to bring a more detailed proposal to the next meeting.
9.11 To consider cutting back the growth at the front of Jacob’s Way and the hedge on Mere Lane – Cllr J Henderson
The Council RESOLVED to accept a quote for £140 to complete the work.
The meeting closed at 9:20pm
I am PC 30219 John MILMAN, and I am the beat PC for PICKMERE. Please accept my apologies for not being with you as I am on early shift today and due to family commitments, I could not change.
To keep you updated on the staffing situation at KNUTSFORD we still do not have a PCSO on the ward however we will be joined by another PC to work with me in the area. I do not have a timeframe yet for when this other constable will join me. I am hoping it will be during the month of NOVEMBER.
OCTOBER has been a quiet month on the ward for calls. We have 6 reports on the system for the month. This was to be expected with the change in weather conditions and thus calls at the lake have massively reduced.
We have taken one report about an alleged breach of bail conditions. This matter has been brought to the attention of the original investigating officer.
A call was taken about a vehicle causing an obstruction. Unfortunately, the neighbourhood policing team were off duty and unable to attend. Due to the lack of staff to deploy and that no further calls being made about the vehicle the matter was closed.
Police have taken one request from another agency for joint work/information sharing and this has been actioned.
We have had one report regarding someone’s mental health in the area. At this stage this was only for police awareness and did not require actioning.
A report of harassment has been taken by police. Officers have attended and the reporting person to police did not wish to formally pursue the matter. Due to this the investigation has not proceeded.
A report has been made to police over alleged drink driving in the area. This matter is under investigation and still ongoing.
If there are any issues or matters, you feel we need to be aware of then please get in touch via email or 101/999.