
Agenda 4th April 2024

Agendas April 2024 to March 2025 Uploaded on March 26, 2024



Date:               Thursday 4th April 2024 
Time:               7.45 pm
Venue:            Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, WA16 0JP

Members of the Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out in the agenda.

Signed: A Riley – Clerk to the Council



  1. To receive apologies for absence


  1. Procedural matters


2.1      To approve and authorise the signing of the minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024.

2.2      Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2024.

2.3      Update on action list from the Chairman.


  1. Declaration of Interests    To provide an opportunity for members to declare any personal and/or prejudicial interest in relation to any item on the Agenda.


  1. Public forum        
    Members of the public may normally ask a question or make a comment regarding any item that is on the meeting agenda. (A total of 3 minutes is normally allocated for each member of the public wishing to speak, limited to 15 minutes in all.  The decision on the time allocated to each topic rests with the meeting chairperson.  Advice as to other means of raising matters with the Parish Council or commenting can be found on the Council’s website.)


  1. Cheshire Agricultural Society – Mr R Davenport, Show Director
    To receive an update on the shows for the forthcoming year.


  1. Report from CE Cllr K Parkinson re Cheshire East Council matters

            Please see report.



  1. Finance


7.1      To note current financial position (see monthly summary).

            Due to the early Easter holiday the reconciliation to 31st March will be available at the meeting. Appendix 1 shows payments made from 1 March to 26 March 2024.


Bank reconciliation to 26th March 2024.


Opening Bal   65,727.11
 Expenditure      4,490.19
 Income         594.00
 Closing Balance   61,830.92
 Unpresented      3,255.09
 Bank   65,086.01


7.2      To note new payments made between meetings:


            Payee                         Supplies                              Amount

P Dale Roofing         Emergency Repair            £120.00

Clerk                           BT internet – Oct/Mar    £264.42

All payments made under Clerk’s delegated authority.


7.3      To resolve to accept the increase in cleaning for the Village Hall.
The cost of cleaning the Village Hall is due to increase from £21.00 a week to £22.50. To discuss and agree to accept the increase.


  1. To receive reports from committees and working groups

8.1      Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
To receive a verbal update.

  1. Planning matters


9.1      To note and consider updates on planning applications received and other planning matters (please click on application number to access details online)


24/0821M land off Spinks Lane, Pickmere

Full Planning – conversion/change of use of the existing barn off Spinks Lane into a single dwelling for the owners to run their market gardening business whilst being on the site and being able to be hands on at all times and maintaining the security of the site.



  1. Reports from Clerk and from Councillors


10.1    To receive an update on the Tree Survey – Cllr P Knights


10.2    To receive an update on the plan to refurbish Clover Drive Playground – Clerk
The crowdfunding page has now been verified and can be utilised but it requires some work. The website, Facebook page, crowdfunding page and letters to businesses need to be in the same format, link to each other and provide a collaborative theme for this project.


10.3    To discuss the donation of a flagpole – Cllr C Hart
To discuss options available if the donation of a flagpole is accepted.

10.4    To receive feedback from the meeting held to discuss D-Day commemorations – Cllr L Marshall

            To receive an update on the arrangements to date. Appendix 2 – report.


10.5    To receive an update on the tree survey – Cllr P Knights

To receive updates on the contractors available to complete a tree survey.


10.6    To discuss a potential sports grant for use at the Village Hall – Cllr L Marshall
To receive an update.


  1. To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) by reason of the confidential nature of the items of business to be transacted if required.


  1. Annual maintenance of Clover Drive grassed areas
    To discuss the maintenance for 2024/25.










Appendix 1 – Payments March 2024


01/03/2024 Ash Waste Services Waste removal – IROS             3.72
01/03/2024 Clerk BT Oct – Mar – VH         264.42
05/02/2024 Buxton Accounting Payroll – February           12.00
06/03/2024 British Gas Electricity – Pavilion           63.39
06/03/2024 Cheshire Pension Salaries – Feb         137.24
08/03/2024 Water Plus Water – TP             6.65
08/03/2024 HMRC Salaries – Feb         109.89
25/03/2024 British Gas Electricity – VH           50.33
25/03/2024 British Gas Gas – VH           87.46
26/03/2024 Paul Dale Roof repair         120.00
26/03/2024 Clerk Salary         376.09
26/03/2024 Clerk Salary adj           21.20
26/03/2024 Clerk 4 x home allowance           40.00
26/03/2024 Cleaner Village Hall           91.00
26/03/2024 Massey & Harris Playground repairs      2,698.80
26/03/2024 Antrobus Landscapes Playground repairs         408.00









Appendix 2 – Meeting in the Red Lion to discuss the Pickmere D Day Celebrations – 19 March 2024


This was an initial meeting to float ideas around for the 80th celebration of the D Day event on 8th June 2024 on the IROS in Pickmere.


Not in any order of importance:


  • It was agreed to use 2 Marquees, one of which will be used to house the band.
  • It was also agreed that it would be in the style of a picnic as with the Coronation celebration; everyone will bring their own food and drink and gazebo’s if they have them, but tea’s and coffee’s and perhaps cake, depending on help and support to bake etc., will be sold from the Pavilion.
    The event is from 12 – 3pm so we would not be expecting Brenda and Jane to man the Pavilion for the duration of the event, realistically we could do with at least another two people to alternate with them in order for everyone to have time with their families and enjoy the day also.  I am happy to take over at half time, if there is anyone who can help me or if anyone knows of anybody that could help that would be great thank you.
  • The band Acceler8 have kindly donated their services for free.
  • To ask a resident if he would be willing to undertake the sound services.
  • To speak to Joyce Kirkbride and ask if she would like to sing a few songs in the style of Vera Lynn, Gracie Fields etc. along with the band.
  • A Tea Dance was mentioned, but rather than to hold it separate to the event, it was suggested that if we had a small dance area on the IROS, couples could dance to the band playing (we need a volunteer to organize this area if we are to go ahead with it)
  • Decorating the village with bunting is always a good idea and various members of the group have it in abundance. If we can all get out what we have and get a rough idea of measurements, lengths etc. then at our next meeting (yet to be arranged) decide if we need more?
  • Because of the huge success of the children’s craft and cake decorating stalls at the Coronation Picnic, it was decided to go with the same again, but with differing themes. In respect of the theme at the craft table, we are going with medals – the children can make their own, we perhaps need to look at a way of pinning them to the children’s clothes without actual pins…ribbons perhaps.
  • The cake stall perhaps a little more freestyle, but keeping the icing to red, white and blue. We probably need a few people baking buns, but that can be finalized nearer the time.
  • It was decided to put up barriers all around the entrances to the IROS and to block off all the parking spaces also. It is expected that there will be a larger than normal turn out of the more senior residents and to this end we will be asking local villagers if they can donate a space for a car – these spaces, including all the parking at the Lake, will be for residents only and not for visitors outside Pickmere. All the spaces will be ticket only.
  • The Band will also require parking spaces, but hopefully some of them will be able to park at the offices adjacent to the Farm Club.
  • The Community Group will be approached for funds to help towards the purchase of the barriers.
  • It was noted that some of the Councils are helping to fund D Day celebrations, and it was suggested that we contact Cheshire East to this end, and if we are successful we could utilize some of the monies to help to fund the barriers with the Community Group.
  • A flagpole was discussed and it was commented that it was already in hand.
  • A resident has quite a bit of memorabilia from his father, medals etc. and is happy to do a short talk to the children – nothing morose, more of a q and a session!
  • It was decided that we would have a speaker for the last 10 minutes of the event, someone who knows the history of Pickmere and the surrounding villages and what life was like during the war; a resident from Great Budworth was suggested and will be contacted by to discuss the possibility of him attending.



Next Meeting in the Red Lion – Tuesday 9th April  7pm – 8pm




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