held at 7.45pm on Thursday 7th March 2024
at Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, Pickmere
- Attendance
Present * Cllr E Campbell (Chairman)
* Cllr C Hart (Vice Chairman)
* Cllr N Greenwood
* Cllr J Henderson
* Cllr A Knights
* Cllr P Knights
* Cllr L Marshall
* Cllr S Read
* denotes attendance
Clerk Mrs A Riley
Public 8 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies None
2.1 Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 6th February 2024 were AGREED and signed.
2.2 Matters arising from minutes
It was NOTED that item 10.10 it was agreed that any funds raised would be directed to the village hall.
2.3 Update on Council’s actions
The Chair reported that out of 131 items on the log 100 had been closed.
Alison and Peter Knights declared they were organisers of the Warm Welcome and Ewan Campbell declared that his company has sponsored the Warm Welcome previously
A member of the public asked how the decision to replace the roof on the village hall had been decided. The Chair replied that the matter was on the agenda and would be debated under item 10.2.
A resident suggested that under item 7.2 Supplier Fraud Audit the threshold for trying to obtain 3 quotes could be reduced to £200. The resident also expressed that they were not in favour of charging for parking at the IROS and also that closing the gates did not deter visitors.
An attendee requested that all background documents for meetings be available on the website.
- Report from Police
The following report had been received:
There has only been one incident in Pickmere during February which was a theft. There have been no reports of any issues with drugs or drinking nor driving offences.
We are aware the weather is starting to improve, and the local officers will continue to monitor the parking issues around Pickmere Lake and surrounding areas as the spring approaches.
PC John Milman is still your local PC but unfortunately after only joining Knutsford in January 2024 I am now moving into a different role and my last day will be the 22nd of March.
Thank you
- Report from CE Cllr K Parkinson re Cheshire East Council matters
It was agreed to distribute any reports received from Cllr K Hague.
- Finance
7.1 To note current financial position (see monthly summary).
The monthly summary to 29th February 2024 was NOTED along with the payments in Appendix 1.
Opening Bal | 67,318.15 | |
Expenditure | 2,197.04 | |
Income | 606.00 | |
Closing Balance | 65,727.11 | |
Unpresented | ||
65,727.11 | ||
Bank | 65,727.11 |
7.2 To note new payments made between meetings:
The following payments were NOTED:
Clean bench at lake 70.00 14.00 84.00
Dispose of hazard – CD 45.00 9.00 54.00
Stationery 25.80 5.16 30.96
Split tree 200.00 40.00 240.00
Fallen tree & tidy 150.00 30.00 180.00
All of the payments had been made under the Clerk’s delegation.
7.3 To appoint an internal auditor for 2023/24
It was RESOLVED to appoint JDH Business Services as internal auditors at a set fee of £242.00
7.4 To undertake a supplier fraud audit as per the internal auditor’s recommendations for 2023/24
The internal audit for the last financial year highlighted that more could be undertaken in terms of confirming the validity of contractors. It was AGREED that the Clerk and Cllr A Knights would undertake an audit for 23/24 and liaise on checks for new contractors.
- To receive reports from committees and working groups
8.1 Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Cllr A Knights reported back on the recent meeting and updated the council on the position of the project. The review of the Cheshire Wildlife Trust report has been completed and evaluated via maps and physical checks. Policies from the original group are in the process of being updated.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 3rd April 2024 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall.
Cllr A Knights explained that more volunteers are required and it was AGREED that requests would be made via social media, the website and at the Annual Parish Meeting.
- Planning matters
9.1 To note and consider update on planning applications received and other planning matters.
24/0571M Common Farm, Frog Lane, Pickmere, WA16 0JG
Householder – Proposed single storey extension and associated alterations.
No objections.
- Reports from Clerk and from Councillors
10.1 To note the investigation into the data breach – Clerk
It was AGREED that a recent data breach had resulted in personal information being available online. After an investigation the Clerk had determined that there was no requirement to report the incident to the ICO and that the event had been dealt with quickly and effectively.
It was AGREED that the Clerk will provide a simple GDPR training note for all Councillors and that the Clerk will ensure that all personal information is redacted on financial papers.
10.2 To discuss the need to replace the roof on the Village Hall – Clerk &
Cllr J Henderson
A discussion took place about the need to replace the roof and the item was deferred to part 2 to discuss quotes received.
10.3 To receive an update on the plan to refurbish Clover Drive Playground – Clerk
The Clerk informed the council that the matting had been cleaned, two benches refurbished, two tables and benches refurbished and two baby cradles replaced on the swings.
Moving forward detailed costings and design would be required for the rest of the playground. The crowdfunding page is awaiting verification and the website needs to be updated with progress.
Cllr J Henderson offered to help the Clerk obtain further information and prepare applications for grants.
10.4 To discuss clearing the pathway from Buttercup Way – Clerk & Cllr A Knights
Land ownership of the pathway has been confirmed. This item was taken in part 2.
10.5 To receive feedback from the meeting held Tuesday 27th February 2024 with the Police & Crime Commissioner. – Cllr E Campbell
Cllr E Campbell gave the following update:
- There had been a suggestion to unify signage around the lake
- Cllr E Campbell and Cllr N Greenwood had agreed to meet with the other landowners who have responsibility for the lake to discuss options.
- The police had advised that a Public Space Protection Order can be applied to private land.
- The Fire Service has offered to attend during busy times to let people know about the hazards of barbecues and open fires.
- Plans for yellow lines had been discussed previously and copies of the suggested areas to be distributed to all Councillors.
- It was AGREED that Cllr E Campbell and Cllr N Greenwood met with Mr S Wallace (Cheshire East) to discuss the future possibility of yellow lines. A vote was taken and Cllr S Read voted against the proposal.
10.6 To discuss charging for parking at the IROS – Cllr C Hart & Clerk
As it would be impossible to provide free parking for residents, the council agreed to no longer continue with this project.
10.7 To discuss repairing the hole in the boundary fence on Clover Drive.
This was discussed in part 2.
10.8 To confirm the date of the Annual Parish Meeting as Wednesday 17th April at 7:00pm. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Thursday 4th April at 7:45pm.
The dates were AGREED.
10.9 Any other items
10.9.1 Cork Board, Village Hall – Cllr P Knights
Cllr A Knights agreed to find prices for a new cork board.
10.9.2 Warm Welcome – Clerk
It was agreed to allow the Warm welcome Group to use the Village Hall free of charge on Wednesday mornings for the 24/25 financial year.
10.9.3 Tree Survey – Cllr P Knights
Cllr P Knights agreed to find costings for a tree survey.
- To consider a resolution to exclude the public and press under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 1 (2) by reason of the confidential nature of the items of business to be transacted if required.
- Village Hall Roof – Cllr J Henderson
It was RESOLVED to accept a quote of £7,800 to replace the roof and for the Clerk to request insurance, warranty and guild membership details from the contractor.
- To discuss clearing the pathway from Buttercup Way – Clerk & Cllr A Knights
It was RESOLVED that the quote for £560.00 to clear the pathway should be accepted but that the trees should not be cut back at this time because birds may be nesting. A revised quote to be obtained and the Clerk be delegated to agree the work.
- To discuss repairing the hole in the boundary fence on Clover Drive
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote of £340 to remove the existing fence and repair the gap with posts and hedging. - To discuss repainting the benches on the IROS – Cllr J Henderson
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote of £553 to clean, prepare and paint four benches around lake. - Clover Drive Grounds Maintenance
The Clerk to obtain further quotes. - General Grounds Maintenance
To accept the quote to mow the IROS, mow the playground on Clover Drive, cut back the hedges on the playground on Clover Drive and cut back the hedge at the Village Hall at a total cost of £1,173.
This quote was agreed on the basis that the contractor has been providing the service for a considerable number of years, is flexible in terms of completing extra work, provides high quality work and the cost is appropriate to the market costs. - Council Assets
More information to be brought to the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.55pm
Appendix 1 – Payments February 2024
Date | Description | Net | VAT | Total |
01/02/2024 | Waste removal – IROS | 3.00 | 0.48 | 3.48 |
05/02/2024 | Electricity – TP | 19.44 | – 7.22 | 12.22 |
05/02/2024 | Payroll – January | 10.00 | 2.00 | 12.00 |
09/02/2024 | Salaries – Jan | 109.89 | 109.89 | |
09/02/2024 | Salaries – Jan | 137.24 | 137.24 | |
15/02/2024 | Water – TP | 6.17 | 6.17 | |
16/02/2024 | Screwfix | 13.32 | 2.67 | 15.99 |
16/02/2024 | Fallen trees | 350.00 | 70.00 | 420.00 |
26/02/2024 | Gas – VH | 30.65 | 1.53 | 32.18 |
26/02/2024 | Electricity – VH | 122.90 | 6.14 | 129.04 |
26/02/2024 | Dehumid – Amazon | 170.81 | 33.33 | 204.14 |
26/02/2024 | Staionery – Amazon | 25.80 | 6.00 | 31.80 |
29/02/2024 | Salary – Feb | 93.80 | 93.80 | |
29/02/2024 | Clean Matting – CD | 320.00 | 64.00 | 384.00 |
29/02/2024 | Remove wood/bench | 115.00 | 23.00 | 138.00 |
29/02/2024 | Salaries – Feb | 376.09 | 376.09 | |
31/01/2024 | Cleaning – VH | 91.00 | 91.00 | |
1,995.11 | 201.93 | 2,197.04 |